1897 Lafayette Gaz. (LA) 26 June 2/3: And so, instead of being hunk, / He got the rinky-dink.at give someone the rinky-dink (v.) under rinky dink, n.
1897 Lafayette Gaz. (LA) 26 June 2/3: And so, instead of being hunk, / He got the rinky-dink.at hunk, adj.
1897 Lafayette Gaz. (LA) 26 June 2/3: I must say men have got their nerves / To sling slang as they do.at sling, v.
1898 Lafayette Gaz. (LA) 30 July 1/5: When the news of the great victory of [Teddy] Roosevelt’s Rough Riders was flashed over the wires, Teddy [a puppy] was looked upon as the ‘big dog of the tanyard’.at big dog of the tanyard, n.
1898 Lafayette Gaz. (LA) 8 Jan. 1/1: He has evoked the wrath and abuse of every nigger lover.at nigger-lover, n.