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[US] N. Wiener Ex-Prodigy 206: The beer supply was steady and unfailing, and the floor was on such a slant that navigation was difficult, even without a cargo of beer.
at cargo, n.2
[US] N. Wiener Ex-Prodigy 184: [A] certain latent enmity of tone in some of the English reviews in such a way as to comb a Yankee’s hair the wrong way.
at comb someone’s hair (v.) under comb, v.
[US] N. Wiener Ex-Prodigy 184: [T]he efforts of a few ardent American Anglophiles had the effect of making the American boy brandish the flag and let the eagle shriek.
at let the eagle scream/shriek (v.) under eagle, n.2
[US] N. Wiener Ex-Prodigy 206: Our meetings were long, moist, and harmonious. [...] We were the rowdiest Kneipe in town.
at moist, adj.
[US] N. Wiener Ex-Prodigy 119: I fear that Father himself was not immune to the temptation to grant interviews to the slicks about me and my training.
at slick, n.1
[US] N. Wiener Ex-Prodigy 207: Early had looked around the world for a soft spot to settle and had picked Göttingen.
at soft spot (n.) under soft, adj.
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