1721 ‘Anodyne Tanner’ Elizabeth Wisebourn (1885) 8: [To] promote the Trade of her House [...] he proposed getting a Charter, and having erected them into an Academy, took the Sa—nt [...] to qualify him accordingly .at academy, n.
1721 ‘Anodyne Tanner’ Elizabeth Wisebourn (1885) 3: [S]he was therefore sent to Rome, under the Tuition of Signora the Lady Abbess of — to whose Care [...] she would very gratefully acknowledge she ow’d all that she knew of her Business.at business, n.
1721 ‘Anodyne Tanner’ Elizabeth Wisebourn (1885) 25: But lest she should gain a Degree of Heat that might be dangerous to her, she had a Water Engine continually at hand, which, however, (notwithstanding all her Efforts) she would often Pump dry before she could well allay her Flames.at engine, n.
1721 ‘Anodyne Tanner’ Elizabeth Wisebourn (1885) 6: She being unequal to the fatigues of [woman-to-woman cunnilingus] she was advis’d to call [on] some Sage and Understanding Man, who could talk French and High Dutch, who was a favourite of the Ladies and qualify’d for such an Imploy.at talk French (v.) under French, n.
1721 ‘Anodyne Tanner’ Elizabeth Wisebourn (1885) 25: But lest she should gain a Degree of Heat that might be dangerous to her, she had a Water Engine continually at hand, which, however, (notwithstanding all her Efforts) she would often Pump dry before she could well allay her Flames.at heat, n.
1721 ‘Anodyne Tanner’ Elizabeth Wisebourn (1885) 6: [S]ome Sage and Understanding Man, who could talk French and High Dutch, who was a favourite of the Ladies and qualify’d for such an Imploy [i.e. as a male prostitute].at high Dutch (n.) under high, adj.1
1721 ‘Anodyne Tanner’ Elizabeth Wisebourn (1885) 3: The Nunneries abroad being the Properest Academies one design’d for her Profession [...] she was therefore sent to Rome, under the Tuition of Signora the Lady Abbess of — .at nunnery, n.
1721 ‘Anodyne Tanner’ Elizabeth Wisebourn (1885) 4: [of a woman] [S]he soon contracted a very particular Friendship with several Ladies of the first Rank [...] for as she was at all times ready to serve them, they upon all Occasions made use of her Service.at serve, v.
1721 ‘Anodyne Tanner’ Elizabeth Wisebourn (1885) 4: [of a woman] [S]he soon contracted a very particular Friendship with several Ladies of the first Rank [...] for as she was at all times ready to serve them, they upon all Occasions made use of her Service.at service, n.