Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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The Life of the Late / Celebrated / Mrs Elizabeth Wisebourn / Vulgarly Call’d / Mother Wybourn choose

Quotation Text

[UK] ‘Anodyne Tanner’ Elizabeth Wisebourn (1885) 8: [To] promote the Trade of her House [...] he proposed getting a Charter, and having erected them into an Academy, took the Sa—nt [...] to qualify him accordingly .
at academy, n.
[UK] ‘Anodyne Tanner’ Elizabeth Wisebourn (1885) 3: [S]he was therefore sent to Rome, under the Tuition of Signora the Lady Abbess of — to whose Care [...] she would very gratefully acknowledge she ow’d all that she knew of her Business.
at business, n.
[UK] ‘Anodyne Tanner’ Elizabeth Wisebourn (1885) 25: But lest she should gain a Degree of Heat that might be dangerous to her, she had a Water Engine continually at hand, which, however, (notwithstanding all her Efforts) she would often Pump dry before she could well allay her Flames.
at engine, n.
[UK] ‘Anodyne Tanner’ Elizabeth Wisebourn (1885) 6: She being unequal to the fatigues of [woman-to-woman cunnilingus] she was advis’d to call [on] some Sage and Understanding Man, who could talk French and High Dutch, who was a favourite of the Ladies and qualify’d for such an Imploy.
at talk French (v.) under French, n.
[UK] ‘Anodyne Tanner’ Elizabeth Wisebourn (1885) 25: But lest she should gain a Degree of Heat that might be dangerous to her, she had a Water Engine continually at hand, which, however, (notwithstanding all her Efforts) she would often Pump dry before she could well allay her Flames.
at heat, n.
[UK] ‘Anodyne Tanner’ Elizabeth Wisebourn (1885) 6: [S]ome Sage and Understanding Man, who could talk French and High Dutch, who was a favourite of the Ladies and qualify’d for such an Imploy [i.e. as a male prostitute].
at high Dutch (n.) under high, adj.1
[UK] ‘Anodyne Tanner’ Elizabeth Wisebourn (1885) 3: The Nunneries abroad being the Properest Academies one design’d for her Profession [...] she was therefore sent to Rome, under the Tuition of Signora the Lady Abbess of — .
at nunnery, n.
[UK] ‘Anodyne Tanner’ Elizabeth Wisebourn (1885) 4: [of a woman] [S]he soon contracted a very particular Friendship with several Ladies of the first Rank [...] for as she was at all times ready to serve them, they upon all Occasions made use of her Service.
at serve, v.
[UK] ‘Anodyne Tanner’ Elizabeth Wisebourn (1885) 4: [of a woman] [S]he soon contracted a very particular Friendship with several Ladies of the first Rank [...] for as she was at all times ready to serve them, they upon all Occasions made use of her Service.
at service, n.
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