Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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The Overloaded Ark choose

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[UK] G. Durrell Overloaded Ark 30: I dashed him two packets of cigarettes, and he trotted off [...] A little distance away I saw the council members close in on him and skilfully relieve him of most of the dash [ibid.] 31: I will pay them one and six a day, and they will get dash for every animal they catch.
at dash, n.2
[UK] G. Durrell Overloaded Ark 30: I dashed him two packets of cigarettes, and he trotted off [...] A little distance away I saw the council members close in on him and skilfully relieve him of most of the dash.
at dash, v.3
[UK] G. Durrell Overloaded Ark 235: Sparks, the radio operator, was one of those who always came and talked to George [i.e. a caged baboon].
at sparks, n.2
[UK] G. Durrell Overloaded Ark 50: I was beginning to doubt Elias’s judgment of this grass field as a good place for beef [i.e. pidgin for a small animal], when on the seventh pitch we struck lucky.
at strike (it) lucky (v.) under strike, v.
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