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Southie Won’t Go choose

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[US] diary 25 Oct. in I. Malloy Southie Won’t Go (1986) 25: My lunch period class came in subdued, angry that I had sent them cut slips for not returning to class yesterday after the lunch break.
at cut, n.1
[US] 7 Mar. diary in I. Malloy Southie Won’t Go (1986) 84: A Boston policeman asked me later if I thought the incident had been ‘contracted,’ whether a boy had been paid to do it [i.e. push a plate of spaghetti in another student’s face].
at contract, v.
[US] 28 Mar. diary in I. Malloy Southie Won’t Go (1986) 93: Easter holiday begins. [...] [W]e go off for a jolly-up faculty party, sparsely attended.
at jolly-up, n.
[US] 14 Feb. diary in I. Malloy Southie Won’t Go (1986) 78: NAACP President Atkins was the kick-off speaker at the general convocation.
at kick-off, adj.
[US] 9 June diary in I. Malloy Southie Won’t Go (1986) 109: The white boys are shaving their hair to close whiffles and talking about ‘getting a nigger’.
at whiffle, n.2
[US] 17 May diary in I. Malloy Southie Won’t Go (1986) 244: The state troopers heralded spring with short-sleeved shirts but not, like last year, their Smokey-the-Bear, wide-brimmed hats.
at Smokey the Bear hat (n.) under Smokey, n.
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