Green’s Dictionary of Slang
D.C. Johnston Making of Donald Trump 190: Trump would later brag that he proposed that Kashiwagi [...] come to the Trump Taj Mahal casino on the next Pearl Harbor Day, but that was hot hot air, n.
D.C. Johnston Making of Donald Trump 168: Ivanka Trump [...] chitchatted with prospective buyers, saying that once they became neighbors she just might drop in to borrow some chit-chat, v.
D.C. Johnston Making of Donald Trump 196: To keep gambling, Libutti required certain favors, known as comps or complimentaries, but Libutti’s comps went far beyond the usual free suites and comp, n.
D.C. Johnston Making of Donald Trump 198: [Gambler] Libutti felt Gwathney was standing too close to him, but Gwathney stood his ground. [...] Afterward, Gwathney’s bosses told him to stop hawking the hawk, v.
D.C. Johnston Making of Donald Trump 186: Trump, Khashoggi, and the others checked into Trump’s Castle hotel [...] That evening they limoed over to Trump limo, v.
D.C. Johnston Making of Donald Trump 185: The odds on a ‘player’ bet favor the house by 1.36 percent; a ‘banker’ bet favors the house by 1.17 percent. But the house also takes a 5 percent fee, called vigorish, on winning banker vigorish, n.
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