Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Oklahoma Miner choose

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[US] Oklahoma Miner (Krebs, OK) 10 Apr. 3/2: No danger o’ that, podner!
at pard, n.
[US] Oklahoma Miner 12 Aug. 5/3: And b’gashed if he didn’t stop and cuss me.
at gosh, adj.
[US] Oklahoma Miner 12 Aug. 5/3: ‘I’m cussing out a blankity-blanked, mutton-headed, tin-starred boob!’ says he.
at tin star (n.) under tin, adj.
[US] FWP Oklahoma 302: Krebs became known for its production of a drink called Choctaw or ‘choc’ beer, made of hops, tobacco, fishberries, barley and alcohol.
at choctaw, n.
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