Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Rochdale Observer choose

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[UK] Rochdale Obs. 20 Jan. 5/1: It may gratify the taste of this venal writer [...] to call Mr potter a ‘Jack Pudding’.
at jack pudding (n.) under jack, n.1
[UK] Rochdale Obs. 24 Dec. 6/2: ‘Culing’ is [...] robbery in vogue chiefly at race times. Whilst the attention of the ladies [...] is drawn to the winning horse, the thief abstracts reticules, silk bags, etc.
at culing, n.
[UK] Rochdale Obs. 24 Dec. 6/2: The thief requires [...] a ‘darkey,’ a crowbar [etc].
at darkey, n.
[UK] Rochdale Obs. 24 Dec. 6/2: ‘Spanking the glaze,’ [...] is effected by two thieves, a well-dressed one and a shabbily attired [one] who pretends to be intoxicated, runs against his ‘swell’ companion and [...] they manage to break the bottom square of glass in a shop window [...] The ‘swell’ insists on a policeman being sent for and pays for the broken window. But a watch is placed on the shop in order to ascertain when the window is repaired, and this having been done, the putty being soft, can be easily removed.
at spank the glaze (v.) under glaze, n.
[UK] Rochdale Obs. 24 Dec. 6/2: Sometimes [...] the ‘palmers’ indice the shop-keeper to search for ‘harp’ halfpennies or ‘lion’ shillings.
at harp, n.1
[UK] Rochdale Obs. 24 Dec. 6/2: ‘Palmers’ are men generally well dressed [...] working by twos [...] One of them men engages the attention of the shop-keeper [...] whilst the other is ‘palming’ his articles [...] and stowing them away into his pockets.
at palmer, n.
[UK] Rochdale Obs. 24 Dec. 6/2: Shopliftig or ‘shop bouncing’ is performed in various ways.
at shop bouncer (n.) under shop, n.1
[UK] Rochdale Obs. 24 Dec. 6/2: Pocket-picking [...] by men is ‘buzzing,’ but if women do the work it is caled ‘tooling.’ The women are more dextrous.
at tooling, n.
[UK] Rochdale Obs. 16 Jan. 2/3: The left eye was a swivel eye and served the purpose of preventing one from determining which one was gazing at you.
at swivel-eye, n.
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