Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Sligo Champion choose

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[Ire] Sligo Champion 9 July 4/3: They may assure themselves of a frosty reception at such a time.
at frosty, adj.
[Ire] Sligo Champion 10 June 3/The good old mutton-headed, know-nothing squireens3: .
at mutton-headed, adj.
[Ire] Sligo Champion 11 Mar. 1/3: There was a good many well-hedicated Irish jontlemen in the room, and I couldn’t bear to hear ’em contradicted by a such a Dublin jackeen.
at jackeen, n.
[Ire] Sligo Champion 11 Mar. 1/3: A snark-headed knight of the hod came forward.
at ...the hod under knight of the..., n.
[Ire] Sligo Champion 11 Mar. 1/3: Paddy Lambert, a thumping, potato-faced Irishman.
at potato-face (n.) under potato, n.
[Ire] Sligo Champion 6 May 4/4: If we were all like old Pugnose, as lazy and as ugly [etc.].
at pugnose, n.
[Ire] Sligo Champion 11 Mar. 1/3: Paddy Lambert, a thumping, potato-faced Irishman.
at thumping, adj.
[Ire] Sligo Champion 22 Apr. 2/1: To the noble lord [...] we must yield the merit of being a perfect adept in the art of legislative jugglery [...] He has maniftsed an adroitness in playing the legislative ambidexter tthat we have rarely seen surpassed.
at ambidexter, n.
[Ire] Sligo Champion 19 Apr. 3/6: A policeman stopped two men at four in the morning, and said, 'What, have you two been hard at it, mates,' and Murphy said, 'It is all serene'.
at all serene, adj.
[Ire] Sligo Champion (Ireland) 22 Mar. 4/4: The hellite lit a fresh cigar, and began to shuffle.
at hellite (n.) under hell, n.
[Ire] Sligo Champion 3 Nov. 3/6: We [...] mentally resolved, if the responsible situation of a ‘bang-beggar’ should be vacated [...] to support with our vote and interest, ‘Sergeant Griffith’.
at bang-beggar (n.) under bang, v.1
[Ire] Sligo Champion 29 Dec. 3/5: A ‘tuft-hunter’ was originally a y undergraduate at oxford or Cambridge who obsequiously courted persons with titles.
at tuft-hunter, n.
[Ire] Sligo Champion 8 Sept. 4/2: [from N.Y. Eve. News] William Fox presents [...] nero Staggering in its magnificence, Gripping in its story, Wonderful in the handling of its Mobocracy.
at mob, n.2
[Ire] Sligo Champion 25 Aug. 6/1: You can be [...] ‘flustered,’ ‘tipsy,’ ‘top-heavy’.
at flustered, adj.
[Ire] Sligo Champion 25 Aug. 6/1: You can be [...] ‘flustered,’ ‘tipsy,’ ‘top-heavy’.
at top-heavy (adj.) under top, n.
[Ire] Sligo Champion 6 Jan. 6/3: He apologised for his actions and stated that he had been ‘acting the maggot’ with others at John Street on August 18th last.
at act the maggot (v.) under maggot, n.
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