Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Springfield Daily Republican choose

Quotation Text

[US] Springfield Dly Republic (OH) 8 Oct. 7/3: De good Lo’d want him fo’ to hab teef, an [...] he dun gib him de good ole crunchers.
at crunchers, n.
[US] Springfield Dly Republican (OH) 9 Jan. 4/4: They stick their fist in the eyes and bawl Boohoo! Boohoo! Boohoo! You babies!
at boohoo!, excl.
[US] Springfield Dly Republican (OH) 25 Aug. 6/5: De big fellows gits up in de pulpit like yo’self, but we little fellows we stand on de floor, an’ dey calls pot-licker preachers.
at pot-licker, n.
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