Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Valentine Democrat choose

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[US] Valentine Democrat (Neb.) 6 Aug. 3/4: Hanky panky cranky Ann, / Shot at a deer and killed a man.
at hankypanky, adj.
[US] Valentine Democrat (NE) 13 Sept. 7/4: ‘Kerslosh’ went the bucket in the chill water.
at kerslosh! (excl.) under ker-, pfx
[US] Valentine Democrat (NE) 27 Feb. 4/1: There is always someone trying to pound you down [...] one of those envious (big feeling and wonders why people don’t take to ’em) sort of fellows.
at big-feeler (n.) under big, adj.
[US] Valentine Democrat (NE) 27 Dec. 2/3: Only the thought of the signorina prevented me making a moonlight flitting.
at moonlight flitting, n.
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