Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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[UK] L. MacNeice ‘Bagpipe Music’ Coll. Poems 97: It’s no go the Government grant, it’s no go the elections, / Sit on your arse for fifty years and hang your hat on a pension.
at arse, n.
[UK] L. MacNeice ‘Bagpipe Music’ in Coll. Poems It’s no go the Yogi-Man, it’s no go Blavatsky, / All we want is a bank balance and a bit of skirt in a taxi.
at no go, phr.
[UK] L. MacNeice ‘Bagpipe Music’ in Coll. Poems (1967) 97: It’s no go the Government grant, it’s no go the elections, / Sit on your arse for fifty years and hang your hat on a pension.
at hang one’s hat (v.) under hang, v.2
[UK] L. MacNeice ‘The Taxis’ in Coll. Poems (1967) 522: He tipped ninepence / But the cabby, while he thanked him, looked askance / As though to suggest someone had bummed a ride.
at bum a ride (v.) under bum, v.3
[UK] L. MacNeice ‘The Taxis’ in Coll. Poems 522: He tipped ninepence / But the cabby, while he thanked him, looked askance / As though to suggest someone had bummed a ride.
at cabby, n.1
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