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Fort Lyon to Harper’s Ferry choose

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[US] Moulton letter in Drickamer Fort Lyon to Harper’s Ferry (1987) 106: It seems Miss Joyner was glad to ‘take up’ with an old bach.
at bach, n.
[US] Moulton letter in Drickamer Fort Lyon to Harper’s Ferry (1987) 127: Plenty of ‘body guards’ [...] come voluntarily at their own will.
at body guard (n.) under body, n.
[US] Moulton letter in Drickamer Fort Lyon to Harper’s Ferry (1987) 127: A constant supply of the ‘live stock,’ for they are imperishable. [...] Plenty of ‘body guards’.
at livestock, n.
[US] Moulton letter in Drickamer Fort Lyon to Harper’s Ferry (1987) 183: A report reaches us this morning that the express train from Balto. was stopped and robbed.
at Balto, n.
[US] Moulton letter in Drickamer Fort Lyon to Harper’s Ferry (1987) 167: The whole cadaboodle of gray-backs.
at whole caboodle (n.) under caboodle, n.
[US] Moulton letter in Drickamer Fort Lyon to Harper’s Ferry (1987) 171: I attended a ‘social hop’ last night [...] which came off under the auspices of the ‘non-commish’ of our Regiment.
at non-com, n.
[US] Moulton letter in Drickamer Fort Lyon to Harper’s Ferry (1987) 170: If I had added any more I would have been a ‘goner’.
at goner, n.1
[US] Moulton letter in Drickamer Fort Lyon to Harper’s Ferry (1987) 174: I am now occupying the responsible ‘posish’ of Head Clerk.
at posish, n.
[US] Moulton letter in Drickamer Fort Lyon to Harper’s Ferry (1987) 237: I think I am about as well off here with the ‘mess,’ pork for breakfast with pork and beans for dinner and cold beans for supper.
at mess, n.2
[US] Moulton letter in Drickamer Fort Lyon to Harper’s Ferry (1987) 173: Invitations to ‘take tea’ to ‘quilting parties’ and them ‘what you call ’ems’ when a lot of women folks get together [...] and jabber.
at whatd’youcallhim, n.
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