Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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After the war: a tour of the Southern States, 1865-1866 choose

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[US] W. Reid After the War 416: ‘A nigger’s just as good as a white man now,’ argumentatively observed a bottle-nosed member of the Legislature.
at bottlenosed, adj.
[US] W. Reid After the War 417: We can drive the niggers out and import coolies that will work better, at less expense, and relieve us from this cursed nigger impudence.
at coolie, n.1
[US] W. Reid After the War 416: ‘The rossum heels live in thar,’ a newsboy on the train informed me.
at rosin heel, n.
[US] W. Reid After the War 240: Nearly all of them fell readily enough into the current abuse of niggers and nigger-lovers.
at nigger-lover, n.
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