Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Three Thousand Miles through the Rocky Mountains choose

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[UK] A.K. McClure Three Thousand Miles through the Rocky Mountains 377: A brace of faithful pistols in his belt, and a huge ‘Arkansas toothpick,’ or bowie knife, in a leather sheath.
at Arkansas toothpick (n.) under Arkansas, adj.
[UK] A.K. McClure Three Thousand Miles through the Rocky Mountains 211: A ‘bilk’ is a man who never misses a meal and never pays a cent.
at bilk, n.
[UK] A.K. McClure Three Thousand Miles Through the Rocky Mountains 292: Dry up, old (hic) blossom-top.
at blossom-top (n.) under blossom, n.2
[UK] A.K. McClure Three Thousand Miles through the Rocky Mountains 412: In order to attend the Governor’s reception, I borrowed a boiled shirt, and plunged in with a Byron collar, and polished boots.
at boiled shirt (n.) under boiled, adj.
[UK] A.K. McClure Three Thousand Miles through the Rocky Mountains 102: You will often find some graduate of Yale ‘bull-whacking’ his own team from the river to his mines, looking as if he had seldom seen soap and water.
at bullwhack, v.
[UK] A.K. McClure Three Thousand Miles through the Rocky Mountains 170: She occasionally combs the head of the Prophet with a three-legged stool, raises Hail Columbia in the very sanctuary of the holies, and smashes a chair over the piano.
at hail Columbia, n.
[UK] A.K. McClure Three Thousand Miles through the Rocky Mountains 170: She occasionally combs the head of the Prophet with a three-legged stool, raises Hail Columbia in the very sanctuary of the holies, and smashes a chair over the piano.
at comb someone’s hair (v.) under comb, v.
[UK] A.K. McClure Three Thousand Miles through the Rocky Mountains 233: So expert is he with his faithful pistol, that the most scientific of rogues have repeatedly attempted in vain to get ‘the drop’ on him.
at get the drop(s) (on) (v.) under drop, n.1
[UK] A.K. McClure Three Thousand Miles Through the Rocky Mountains 246: A few parties ‘hogged up’ the whole of the pay-claims .
at hog, v.
[UK] A.K. McClure Three Thousand Miles through the Rocky Mountains 219: They get up a most expensive ‘layout’ for him [DA].
at layout, n.
[UK] A.K. McClure Three Thousand Miles through the Rocky Mountains 211: A ‘Lay-out’ is any proposed enterprise, from organizing a State to digging out a prairie dog.
at layout, n.
[UK] A.K. McClure Three Thousand Miles through the Rocky Mountains 211: Everything is an ‘outfit,’ from a train on the plains to a pocket-knife. It is applied almost indiscriminately,—to a wife, a horse, a dog, a cat, or a row of pins.
at outfit, n.1
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