1684 C. Cotton Erotopolis 108: The Publick Academies and Schools of [Bettyland are] altogether for Justing, and Tournaments, and Running of the Ring.at academy, n.
1684 C. Cotton Erotopolis 109: They had in these Academies other sorts of Games [...] as In and In, and All Fours.at play at all fours (v.) under play (at)..., v.
1684 C. Cotton Erotopolis 109: They had in these Academies other sorts of Games [...] as In and In.at play (at) in and in (v.) under play (at)..., v.
1684 C. Cotton Erotopolis 29: [Bettyland decoy ducks] exceed all other Decoy-ducks that are in the world in wiles and subtilty.at duck, n.1
1684 C. Cotton Erotopolis 109: These Academies stand open all night long, and there are some so accustomed to these Exercises, that they will hit the Mark as well by night as by day.at hit, v.
1684 C. Cotton Erotopolis 108: The Shepherds will never Just unless the Shepherdesses will provide Rings, nor the Shepherdesses can ever be brought to run a-Tilt, unless the Shepherds provide Launces.at running at the ring (n.) under ring, n.
1684 C. Cotton Erotopolis 148: She-Centaurs shall they be [...] for in these places it is, the young Shepherdesses first learn the Art of Horsemanship and Horse-play, first riding one another.at she-centaur (n.) under she, n.