Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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The Rural Life of England choose

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[UK] W. Howitt Rural Life of England I 163: The farm-servant in his straw-hat, or his wide-awake.
at wide-awake, n.
[UK] W. Howitt Rural Life of England I 157: The clodhopper, the chopstick, the hawbuck, the hind, the Johnny-raw, or by whatever name, in whatever district he may be called, is everywhere the same.
at clodhopper, n.
[UK] W. Howitt Rural Life of England I 157: The mechanic sees his weekly newspaper over his pipe and pot; but the clod-hopper, the chopstick, the hawbuck, the hind, the Johnny Raw, [...] is everywhere the same, – he sees no newspaper, and if he did, he could not read it.
at Johnny Raw, n.
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