1928 Hecht & MacArthur Front Page Act III: Say, with that alky rap and the bank job and the big blow on my hip! I should stick around asking questions from a lot of cops!at alky, n.
1928 Hecht & MacArthur Front Page Act I: When you’re crawling up fire escapes [...] eating Christmas dinner in a one-armed joint, don’t forget your old pal.at one-arm (joint), n.
1928 Hecht & MacArthur Front Page Act I: sheriff: Oh, hello, dear. kruger: Sounds like the ball and chain.at ball and chain (n.) under ball, n.1
1928 Hecht & MacArthur Front Page Act III: walter whispering: Shut up! hildy: On my pratt in a monkey cage!at in one’s ballocks under ballocks, n.
1928 Hecht & MacArthur Front Page 456: McCue: I wouldn’t mind a nice big blonde. Murphy: (outlining a voluptuous bust) With a bozoom!at bazoom, n.
1928 Hecht & MacArthur Front Page Act III: Say, with that alky rap and the bank job and the big blow on my hip! I should stick around asking questions from a lot of cops!at blow, n.1
1928 Hecht & MacArthur Front Page Act I: Listen, you big pail of lard!at bucket of lard (n.) under bucket of..., n.
1928 Hecht & MacArthur Front Page Act I: Call ... Three bullets [...] Shuffle that deck.at bullet, n.2
1928 Hecht & MacArthur Front Page Act III: What a fine horse’s bustle I turned out to be!at bustle, n.2
1928 Hecht & MacArthur Front Page Act III: You God damn butter fingers!at butterfingers (n.) under butter, n.1
1928 Hecht & MacArthur Front Page Act III: My God, I’m a sap! Falling for your line of crap ... !at line of crap (n.) under crap, n.1
1928 Hecht & MacArthur Front Page Act II: If you want me you’ll have to take me as I am instead of trying to turn me into some lah de dah with a cane!at la-di-da(h), n.1
1928 Hecht & MacArthur Front Page Act III: That tub of guts! Lousy whore-headed flannel mouth!at flannel mouth, n.
1928 Hecht & MacArthur Front Page Act I: How long do you think you’ll last in that floosie job?at floozy, adj.
1928 Hecht & MacArthur Front Page Act I: He gooses Diamond Louie. diamond louie with a leap: Hey! For God’s sake! [...] that’s a hell of a thing to do!at goose, v.3
1928 Hecht & MacArthur Front Page Act I: mccue: You’re going to miss a swell hanging, Hildy. hildy: Yeah? you can stick it.at stick it!, excl.
1928 Hecht & MacArthur Front Page Act I: How’d I know you were out? Two Johns. Ladies, etc.at John, n.