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Dinkumization or Depommification choose

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[Aus] B. Hesling Dinkumization or Depommification 48: Frank, in the manner of Australians standing up to criticism, was mad as a meat axe.
at mad as a meat axe (adj.) under meat axe, n.
[Aus] B. Hesling Dinkumization or Depommification 136: I still when wearing my long-tailed banger to fancy weddings have one link in rolled gold and the other in eighteen carat.
at banger, n.2
[Aus] B. Hesling Dinkumization or Depommification 86: I wanted to visit Frank in the ‘Bay’, but Gordon said he wouldn’t like that.
at Bay, the, n.
[Aus] B. Hesling Dinkumization or Depommification 48: Yeah, Salford, in hospital. I had a blighty.
at Blighty, n.
[Aus] B. Hesling Dinkumization or Depommification 94: The head cleaner got on the blower to a doctor.
at blower, n.2
[Aus] B. Hesling Dinkumization or Depommification 69: His name was Hugh, but she called him Bluey for he had red hair.
at bluey, n.1
[Aus] B. Hesling Dinkumization or Depommification 219: Even if he had been a real bodge he still would have known he could paint.
at bodger, n.
[Aus] B. Hesling Dinkumization or Depommification 134: Bloody bosker! . . . Oh, good show!
at bosker, n.
[Aus] B. Hesling Dinkumization or Depommification 91: I was reading Freud [...] and fancied myself as a bush psychiatrist.
at bush, adj.1
[Aus] B. Hesling Dinkumization or Depommification 45: I told him how much I liked his talk and that I was a new chum.
at new chum, n.
[Aus] B. Hesling Dinkumization or Depommification 48: I’m not coming the raw pommie over you.
at come the raw prawn (v.) under come the..., v.
[Aus] B. Hesling Dinkumization or Depommification 134: Good on yer, dig!
at dig, n.4
[Aus] B. Hesling Dinkumization or Depommification 239: Two Abos wandered in – they wanted a drink. [...] The glasses were big ones, the liquid dark like blood. I was curious to know what sot of pink-eye an Abo would knock back.
at pink-eye, n.
[Aus] B. Hesling Dinkumization or Depommification 71: It needed guts, and you had to be a young woman and quite an eyeful to get away with it.
at eyeful, n.
[Aus] B. Hesling Dinkumization or Depommification 128: ‘I’m Ossie. Me cobber’s Skim.’ These were the handles by which they wanted to be known.
at handle, n.
[Aus] B. Hesling Dinkumization or Depommification 115: Wally, taken short near Lang Park, had been picked up on the usual fake charge. [...] Even Judge Willis said on the bench that he wouldn’t be game to risk a visit to the Lang Park la-la. [Ibid.] 117: I went for a pee. [...] The la was empty except for this cove in a sports coat.
at la-la, n.2
[Aus] B. Hesling Dinkumization or Depommification 234: I [...] tried to accept the idea of Woolworth’s with a Never-Never branch.
at never-never, the, n.1
[Aus] B. Hesling Dinkumization or Depommification 81: Frank had managed to get a ‘nine’ [...] by following a brewery dray in a taxi biding his time.
at nine, n.
[Aus] B. Hesling Dinkumization or Depommification 116: ‘What did they get you for, perving?’ ‘Soliciting.’.
at perv, v.
[Aus] B. Hesling Dinkumization or Depommification 116: Two cops [...] booked nearly two hundred ‘pervs’ a year from this one dunny.
at perv, n.
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