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[US] (ref. to 1970s) E. Raymond New Hacker’s Dict. 158: Marc Ramsey, who was at WPI from 1972 to 1976, adds: ‘I am 99% certain that the use of flame originated at WPI. Those who made a nuisance of themselves insisting that they needed to use a TTY for “real work” came to be known as flaming asshole lusers. Other particularly annoying people became flaming asshole ravers, which shortened to flaming ravers, and ultimately flamers.’.
at flame, v.1
[US] E. Raymond New Hacker’s Dict. 158: flame 1. vi. To post an email message intended to insult and provoke. 2. vi. To speak incessantly and/or rabidly on some relatively uninteresting subject or with a patently ridiculous attitude. 3. vt. Either of senses 1 or 2, directed with hostility at a particular person or people. 4. n. An instance of flaming. When a discussion degenerates into useless controversy, one might tell the participants ‘Now you’re just flaming’ or ‘Stop all that flamage!’ to try to get them to cool down (so to speak).
at flaming, n.
[US] E. Raymond New Hacker’s Dict. 102: computer geek n. One who eats (computer) bugs for a living. One who fulfills all the dreariest negative stereotypes about hackers: an asocial, malodorous, pasty-faced monomaniac with all the personality of a cheese grater.
at geek, n.1
[US] E. Raymond New Hacker’s Dict. 182: gonkulator /gon’kyoo-lay-tr/ n. [common; from the 1960s ‘Hogan’s Heroes’ TV series] A pretentious piece of equipment that actually serves no useful purpose. Usually used to describe one’s least favorite piece of computer hardware.
at gonkulator, n.
[US] E. Raymond New Hacker’s Dict. 288: propeller head: n. Used by hackers, this is syn. with geek. Non-hackers sometimes use it to describe all techies. Prob. derives from SF fandom’s tradition (originally invented by old-time fan Ray Faraday Nelson) of propeller beanies as fannish insignia (though nobody actually wears them except as a joke).
at propeller head, n.
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