c.1840 ‘The Boys of Cold Water’ in Rosebud Songster q. in Jackson Early Songs of Uncle Sam 226: Oh! the boys of cold water are stout hearty blades / They drink not of Alchy, but from the cool shades.at alky, n.
c.1849 ‘One of the Boys’ in G.S. Jackson Early Songs of Uncle Sam (1933) 58: Then dancing I know beans [...] At heel and toe, oh I’m one of the boys!at heel-and-toe, v.
c.1849 ‘One of the Boys’ in G.S. Jackson Early Songs of Uncle Sam (1933) 58: When dancing I know beans, and I widgin ping the greens.at know beans (v.) under beans, n.3
c.1849 ‘One of the Boys’ in G.S. Jackson Early Songs of Uncle Sam (1933) 58: Trousers I’ve got ’em forty inches round the bottom [...] The gals, them little vixens, how they eyes my fancy fixins.at fixings, n.1
c.1849 ‘One of the Boys’ in G.S. Jackson Early Songs of Uncle Sam (1933) 58: Cocked and primed, I was bound for a spree.at primed, adj.
c.1849 ‘One of the Boys’ in G.S. Jackson Early Songs of Uncle Sam (1933) 58: The boss came in so black, and give me some of his slack.at slack, n.1