1893 N.H. Kennard Diogenes’ Sandals 176: They said in the village that he had not ‘got all his buttons’, meaning that he was not ‘all there’.at not all there, adj.
1893 N.H. Kennard Diogenes’ Sandals 9: I am dead-sick of the whole blooming show.at blooming shoot (n.) under blooming, adj.1
1893 N.H. Kennard Diogenes’ Sandals 176: They said in the village that he had not ‘got all his buttons’, meaning that he was not ‘all there’.at not have all one’s buttons (v.) under button, n.1
1893 N.H. Kennard Diogenes’ Sandals 178: They’d come in with a lot of leather bags and bladders full o’ whiskey [...] and they’d sell ye ‘guzzle’ for next to nothin’.at guzzle, n.
1893 N.H. Kennard Diogenes’ Sandals 169: She and Job Yetts [...] made a ‘spainken’ couple.at spanking, adj.