Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Pandora choose

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[UK] W. Killigrew Pandora Act I: Botts on thy slippery heels; we are undone!
at bots, n.1
[UK] W. Killigrew Pandora Act II: Out Traytor, I’le make thy Lord braine thee for that wish.
at brain, v.
[UK] W. Killigrew Pandora Act I: Hold my Lord, you are out at first, one of us is very brown I assure you.
at brown, adj.1
[UK] W. Killigrew Pandora Act I: I shall not spoyle your Market, but leave you those cheap Cattel, at your own price.
at cattle, n.
[UK] W. Killigrew Pandora Act IV: Summon all that merry Crew (who danc’d the other day) to Sup with me.
at crew, n.
[UK] W. Killigrew Pandora Act I: The dayly terror of getting such diseases as inhabit your dark houses, has frightened me into better purposes.
at dark house (n.) under dark, adj.
[UK] W. Killigrew Pandora Act I: cle.: Which [two ladies] will you assault? lin.: Neither, they are both virtuous? cle.: Who knows that? have they done fucking? lin.: Dost thou think there be none virtuous, beyond their infancy!
at fucking, n.
[UK] W. Killigrew Pandora Act V: I would not be Treypand into a Marriage I am so much averse to.
at trapan, v.
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