2001 J. King White Trash 258: Nurses [...] lend a helping hand and get sweet FA in return.at sweet Fanny Adams, n.
2001 J. King White Trash 255: This isn’t fucking Peckham though, is it [...] None of your bushwhacker bollocks over here.at bushwhacker, n.1
2001 J. King White Trash 117: Twenty five pounds and the first time she wore them a patient did the dirty on her. Papa splattering the leather with a collection of carrots and peas.at do (the) dirty (v.) under dirty, n.
2001 J. King White Trash 201: He talked about the way hardcore Christians imposed their heavy manners on a pagan country.at heavy manners, n.
2001 J. King White Trash 53: The knockers could say what they liked about the NHS but it worked.at knocker, n.1
2001 J. King White Trash 37: He was going on about his lover’s balls for all the next week.at lover’s nuts (n.) under lover, n.
2001 J. King White Trash 168: Walls covered in thick graffitti [...] massive trainers on skanking white kids.at skank, v.
2001 J. King White Trash 97: Thinking it didn’t matter if she slobbed around playing mummies and daddies.at slob out (v.) under slob, n.1
2001 J. King White Trash 167: You were lucky, on your toes before the boys with him had a chance to do you some real damage.at on one’s toes under toe, n.
2001 J. King White Trash 89: Rock glowing behind the turntable as this tricky little geezer spun his wax.at wax, n.2