Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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A Witch in my Heart choose

Quotation Text

[UK] H. Kuper Witch in my Heart I iii: ntamo: Where are you going? sikova: To the place where the money is – to Goli.
at Goli, n.
[UK] H. Kuper Witch in my Heart III i: The White people call it brandy. It looks like golden water, and after half a jack you are sweet all over.
at half-jack, n.
[UK] H. Kuper Witch in my Heart III i: Here’s a bob. Give us KB.
at k.b., n.2
[UK] H. Kuper Witch in my Heart III i: Have you tasted kill-me-quick?
at kill-me-quick (n.) under kill, v.
[UK] H. Kuper Witch in my Heart IV i: How did you like your taste of tronk?
at tronk, n.
[UK] H. Kuper Witch in my Heart I iii: Next time when White-eyes calls us to a meeting I will say that I don’t hear in my ears.
at white eyes (n.) under white, adj.
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