1995 J. Lansdale Two-Bear Mambo (1996) 2: You got to stop him before they haul his black ass to the calaboose.at calaboose, n.
1995 J. Lansdale Two-Bear Mambo (1996) 8: You homos, man, y’all are chill motherfuckers.at chill, adj.
1995 J. Lansdale Two-Bear Mambo (1996) 65: [The shearer] also cuts out a cheque.at cut out a cheque (v.) under cut out, v.3
1995 J. Lansdale Two-Bear Mambo (1996) 5: That motherfucker tripped my black ass and knocked the dog shit out of me.at knock (the) dogshit out of (v.) under dogshit, n.
1995 J. Lansdale Two-Bear Mambo (1996) 5: That motherfucker tripped my black ass and knocked the dog shit out of me.at knock the shit out of (v.) under shit, the, phr.