Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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The Oppidan choose

Quotation Text

[UK] (con. 1900s) S. Leslie Oppidan 28: Where the devil is that bumf?
at bumf, n.
[UK] (con. 1900s) S. Leslie Oppidan 56: A year passed before Peter glanced at one of those well-established preventives of brain fag.
at fag, n.2
[UK] (con. 1900s) S. Leslie Oppidan 58: ‘Holy Jack the Ripper,’ he exploded. ‘Does he think he’s coxing the Monarch?’.
at holy hell! (excl.) under holy...!, excl.
[UK] (con. 1900s) S. Leslie Oppidan 38: Hinting that there might be a sport taking the mysterious form of ‘rotting the Flea.’.
at rot, v.
[UK] (con. 1900s) S. Leslie Oppidan 48: You must be an awful sap.
at sap, n.1
[UK] (con. 1900s) S. Leslie Oppidan 48: Sapping was unnecessary, so unpleasant even.
at sap, v.1
[UK] (con. 1900s) S. Leslie Oppidan 13: He learnt the important differences [...] between swipes and swiping, between whiffs and stinks.
at stinks, n.
[UK] (con. 1900s) S. Leslie Oppidan 13: He learnt the important differences [...] between swipes and swiping, between whiffs and stinks.
at swipes, n.
[UK] (con. 1900s) S. Leslie Oppidan 38: His success at swishing Lower Boys seldom failed to draw blood.
at swish, v.1
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