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[US] A.J. Liebling ‘The Jollity Building’ in Just Enough Liebling (2004) 251: Paddy the Booster, who sells neckties he steals from haberdashers.
at booster, n.2
[US] A.J. Liebling ‘The Jollity Building’ in Just Enough Liebling (2004) 250: The shooflies are working in our territory [...] and we can’t let a big brawl like this run.
at brawl, n.
[US] A.J. Liebling ‘The Jollity Building’ in Just Enough Liebling (2004) 247: The best you can get there [...] is a chance to work Saturday night at a ruptured saloon for bubkis.
at bupkes, n.
[US] A.J. Liebling ‘The Jollity Building’ in Just Enough Liebling (2004) 244: A week in a Chink joint in Yonkers.
at Chink joint (n.) under Chink, adj.
[US] A.J. Liebling ‘The Jollity Building’ in Just Enough Liebling (2004) 256: Marty the Clutch [...] gets his name from his humorous custom of mangling people’s fingers when he shakes hands with them.
at clutch, n.
[US] A.J. Liebling ‘The Jollity Building’ in Just Enough Liebling (2004) 259: He asked me for a loan of three dollars so he could get his teeth out of hock to con a sucker.
at con, v.
[US] A.J. Liebling ‘The Jollity Building’ in Just Enough Liebling (2004) 262: After that he had to play the duck for Johnny for a couple of years.
at play the duck (v.) under duck, n.6
[US] A.J. Liebling ‘The Jollity Building’ in Just Enough Liebling (2004) 264: The Count became so interested in his idea that he forgot to duck with Boatrace Harry’s money.
at duck, v.1
[US] A.J. Liebling ‘The Jollity Building’ in Just Enough Liebling (2004) 250: The shooflies are working in our territory [...] and we can’t let a big brawl like this run.
at shoo-fly, n.
[US] A.J. Liebling ‘The Jollity Building’ in Just Enough Liebling (2004) 252: Them apple-knockers just sat there from sorrow. [Ibid.] 254: The singers are from hunger [...] the performers are from hunger.
at from, prep.
[US] A.J. Liebling ‘The Jollity Building’ in Just Enough Liebling (2004) 235: Morty meticulously refers to all youngish women as ‘heads,’ which has the same meaning as ‘broads’ or ‘dolls.’.
at head, n.
[US] A.J. Liebling ‘The Jollity Building’ in Just Enough Liebling (2004) 259: He asked me for a loan of three dollars so he could get his teeth out of hock to con a sucker.
at in hock under hock, n.2
[US] A.J. Liebling ‘The Jollity Building’ in Just Enough Liebling (2004) 245: When he drinks, he sometimes threatens to put the muscle on strangers who refuse to pay for his liquor.
at put the muscle on (v.) under muscle, n.
[US] A.J. Liebling ‘The Jollity Building’ in Just Enough Liebling (2004) 244: The hint is enough ordinarily. When it is not, Jack uses the muscle.
at muscle, n.
[US] A.J. Liebling ‘The Jollity Building’ in Just Enough Liebling (2004) 237: They just stick their potato in every office and say, ‘Anything for me today?’.
at potato, n.
[US] A.J. Liebling ‘The Jollity Building’ Just Enough Liebling (2004) 257: The promoters, the fellows who are always trying to earn, in the local idiom, a soft dollar.
at promoter, n.
[US] A.J. Liebling ‘The Jollity Building’ in Just Enough Liebling (2004) 256: I once seen the Clutch get a rock off a ticket broker [...] By the time the scalper noticed the ring was gone, he thought [etc.].
at scalper (n.) under scalp, v.1
[US] A.J. Liebling ‘The Jollity Building’ in Just Enough Liebling (2004) 245: Will you okay me with a Shylock, Morty?
at shylock, n.
[US] A.J. Liebling ‘The Jollity Building’ in Just Enough Liebling (2004) 257: The promoters, the fellows who are always trying to earn, in the local idiom, a soft dollar.
at soft, adj.
[US] A.J. Liebling ‘The Jollity Building’ in Just Enough Liebling (2004) 250: [She] books stag shows for conventions.
at stag, adj.
[US] A.J. Liebling ‘The Jollity Building’ in Just Enough Liebling (2004) 246: When [...] it says in the paper he has had stiff opposition [...] that means the opposition has been stiffs.
at stiff, n.1
[US] A.J. Liebling ‘The Jollity Building’ in Just Enough Liebling (2004) 251: It’s all right, Mrs. Van Schuyler, we got the shooflies taking now.
at take, v.
[US] A.J. Liebling ‘The Jollity Building’ in Just Enough Liebling (2004) 248: I booked a man with a trained dog into one trap in Astoria.
at trap, n.1
[US] A.J. Liebling ‘Westbound Tanker’ in Just Enough Liebling (2004) 80: You had to buy a bottle at a package store and take it into a soft-drink joint to get a set-up.
at set-up, n.1
[US] A.J. Liebling ‘The Foamy Fields’ Just Enough Liebling (2004) 123: Momyer had shot down a Junkers 88 and Messerschmitt [...] He was hot.
at hot, adj.
[US] A.J. Liebling ‘Quest for Mollie’ in Just Enough Liebling (2004) 166: We took the position and cleaned up on the enemy.
at clean up, v.
[US] A.J. Liebling ‘Quest for Mollie’ in Just Enough Liebling (2004) 174: She [...] said he had always had an awful crust.
at crust, n.2
[US] A.J. Liebling ‘Quest for Mollie’ in Just Enough Liebling (2004) 157: The djellabah [...] serves as a repository for everything the goum gloms.
at glom, v.
[US] A.J. Liebling ‘Quest for Mollie’ in Just Enough Liebling (2004) 165: Mollie was the biggest popoff and the biggest screwball and the biggest foul-up I ever saw.
at pop-off, n.1
[US] in A.J. Liebling ‘Quest for Mollie’ in Just Enough Liebling (2004) 166: The next time we got in a fight, we said to ourselves, ‘These guys are just looking for an easy out.’.
at out, n.
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