at booster, n.2
at booster, n.2
at brawl, n.
at bupkes, n.
at Chink joint (n.) under Chink, adj.
at clutch, n.
at con, v.
at play the duck (v.) under duck, n.6
at duck, v.1
at shoo-fly, n.
at from, prep.
at head, n.
at in hock under hock, n.2
at put the muscle on (v.) under muscle, n.
at muscle, n.
at potato, n.
at promoter, n.
at scalper (n.) under scalp, v.1
at shylock, n.
at soft, adj.
at stag, adj.
at stiff, n.1
at take, v.
at trap, n.1
at set-up, n.1
at hot, adj.
at clean up, v.
at crust, n.2
at glom, v.
at pop-off, n.1
at out, n.
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