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Somme Mud choose

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[UK] (con. WWI) E. Lynch Somme Mud 329: He buzzes off to put the acid on Yacob for a photo.
at put the acid on (v.) under acid, n.2
[UK] (con. WWI) E. Lynch Somme Mud 104: When I enquire of the O.C.’s whereabouts someone replies, ‘Up in Annie’s room.’ .
at in annie’s room under annie’s room, n.
[UK] (con. WWI) E. Lynch Somme Mud 129: Dark and Snow [...] bribe the tommy engine-drivers to give them a bag or two of coal.
at Tommy Atkins, n.
[UK] (con. WWI) E. Lynch Somme Mud 167: Oh! France it is a failure, / Take me back to Australia. / Aussie is the place for me.
at Aussie, n.
[UK] (con. WWI) E. Lynch Somme Mud 170: Farmer and Yacob bandicooted an army pack of spuds and turnips.
at bandicoot, v.
[UK] (con. WWI) E. Lynch Somme Mud 9: Give it to the floppin’ blankard!
at blankard, n.
[UK] (con. WWI) E. Lynch Somme Mud 60: ‘Is Blue all right?’ [...] ‘Yes, got a Blighty. Couple of leg wounds.’.
at Blighty, n.
[UK] (con. WWI) E. Lynch Somme Mud 60: ‘Is Blue all right?’ [...] ‘Yes, got a Blighty. Couple of leg wounds.’ [...] I find Dark just back from carrying Bluey to the doctor.
at bluey, n.1
[UK] (con. WWI) E. Lynch Somme Mud 96: I’m not buying smokes for the Fritz army as well as for all you bods.
at bod, n.
[UK] (con. WWI) E. Lynch Somme Mud 157: An officer excitedly tells me, ‘Your blood’s worth bottling, lad.’.
at bottling, adj.
[UK] (con. WWI) E. Lynch Somme Mud 165: Some 48th bearers bound up my wounds and put the breeze up me by saying they didn’t like the look of them.
at get the breeze up (v.) under breeze, n.1
[UK] (con. WWI) E. Lynch Somme Mud 67: They’re getting breezy that Fritz is putting gas over.
at breezy, adj.2
[UK] (con. WWI) E. Lynch Somme Mud 3: Though to-day I’m stony broke / Without a single brown.
at brown, n.
[UK] (con. WWI) E. Lynch Somme Mud 112: Real stark-naked bullock-driver abuse it is.
at bullocky, n.
[UK] (con. WWI) E. Lynch Somme Mud 34: The poor upturned hand is half full of cigarette bumpers.
at bumper, n.4
[UK] (con. WWI) E. Lynch Somme Mud 51: Dark and I get out of our underpants and pull them on again, inside out, to trick the chats [...] We chance the chats about our upper regions.
at chats, n.2
[UK] (con. WWI) E. Lynch Somme Mud 148: A big jovial man who but a few days ago was chewing our ears.
at chew someone’s ear, v.
[UK] (con. WWI) E. Lynch Somme Mud 170: I [...] kept them all safely indoors entertaining me while Longun and Dark cleaned up their eggs and butter.
at clean up, v.
[UK] (con. WWI) E. Lynch Somme Mud 193: Hey, you told him his foot was smashed? Flamin’ near cleaned the lot of us up!
at clean up, v.
[UK] (con. WWI) E. Lynch Somme Mud 227: I’ve clicked for a good job with the billeting officer.
at click, v.3
[UK] (con. WWI) E. Lynch Somme Mud 103: Some coot hisses, ‘Halt!’ [...] I’m annoyed.
at coot, n.1
[UK] (con. WWI) E. Lynch Somme Mud 11: Been cheap at the price, ya stingy Pommy cow.
at cow, n.1
[UK] (con. WWI) E. Lynch Somme Mud 71: Cripes, mate, you’ll sleep cold tonight.
at cripes!, excl.
[UK] (con. WWI) E. Lynch Somme Mud 55: We are told to get a drink of tea there, but there’s none left, and we begin to go crook again.
at go crook (on) (v.) under crook, adj.
[UK] (con. WWI) E. Lynch Somme Mud 270: Men are coming through [...] the crow-eaters, the 46th Battalion men.
at crow-eater (n.) under crow, n.2
[UK] (con. WWI) E. Lynch Somme Mud 159: Longun has a horrible gash up his face [...] ‘This’ll cruel me pitch with the sheilas now.’.
at cruel (the pitch), v.
[UK] (con. WWI) E. Lynch Somme Mud 58: He is absolutely naked except for his identification disc. ‘Nothing on a but a dead meat ticket.’.
at dead-meat ticket (n.) under dead meat, n.
[UK] (con. WWI) E. Lynch Somme Mud 72: We have forty fine Australian lads in the mud [...] So long, Digs, So long!
at dig, n.4
[UK] (con. WWI) E. Lynch Somme Mud 323: A real ding-dong sit-down dinner with free beer.
at ding-dong, adj.1
[UK] (con. WWI) E. Lynch Somme Mud 323: Snow [...] gives us the dinkum oil about the dinner.
at dinkum oil, n.
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