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A Study in Death choose

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[UK] I. McDowall A Study in Death 266: He’d as good as told her to button it when she’d started to rant about wrongful arrest.
at button one’s lip, v.
[UK] I. McDowall A Study in Death 267: The bottom line, the clincher, had been the prospect of media attention.
at clincher, n.1
[UK] I. McDowall A Study in Death 272: After a nightcap of moggified whisky or decaf.
at moggie, n.2
[UK] I. McDowall A Study in Death 271: I just wanted to let him know that I knew, see? That I wasn’t some clueless mug punter.
at mug punter (n.) under mug, n.1
[UK] I. McDowall A Study in Death 101: They shot shit for a good half-hour on either side of the matter.
at shoot (the) shit (v.) under shoot, v.
[UK] I. McDowall A Study in Death 192: Whatever the right-on sisters might have thought about the women in the force.
at sister, n.
[UK] I. McDowall A Study in Death 278: To Jacobson’s complete delight, she continually referred to his wife’s lover as old sleazyballs.
at sleazebag (n.) under sleaze, n.
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