Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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[US] J. Maitland Amer. Sl. Dict. 18: Angel [...] One who possesses the means and inclination to ‘stand treat’.
at angel, n.
[US] J. Maitland Amer. Sl. Dict. 52: On the bum, on a drunk.
at on a/the bum under bum, n.4
[US] J. Maitland Amer. Sl. Dict.
at cash up (v.) under cash, v.1
[US] J. Maitland Amer. Sl. Dict. 64: Chippy Chasers are the well-dressed loafers who lie in wait for shopgirls and school children.
at chippie-chaser (n.) under chippie, n.1
[US] J. Maitland Amer. Sl. Dict. 96: Double-decker (Am.), two ‘cocktails,’ or other morning refreshers in one; a drink for a thirsty man.
at double-decker (n.) under double, adj.
[US] J. Maitland Amer. Sl. Dict.
at dupe, n.
[US] J. Maitland Amer. Sl. Dict. 87: ‘What’s the damage?’ how much is to pay? Sometimes varied to ‘What is the extortion?’.
at extortion, n.
[US] J. Maitland Amer. Sl. Dict.
at gopher, n.2
[US] J. Maitland Amer. Sl. Dict. 155: Cinch (Am.) [...] A ‘leadpipe’ or ‘grapevine’ cinch are superlatives.
at grapevine cinch (n.) under grapevine, n.1
[US] J. Maitland Amer. Sl. Dict.
at horse, n.
[US] Maitland Amer. Sl. Dict. 150: Irish lemons, potatoes.
at Irish lemon (n.) under Irish, adj.
[US] Maitland Amer. Sl. Dict. 150: Irish apricots [...] potatoes.
at Irish apricot (n.) under Irish, adj.
[US] J. Maitland Amer. Sl. Dict.
at knocked out, adj.
[US] J. Maitland Amer. Sl. Dict.
at lead-pipe cinch (n.) under lead, n.
[US] J. Maitland Amer. Sl. Dict.
at Mike, n.
[US] J. Maitland Amer. Sl. Dict.
at note, n.1
[US] J. Maitland Amer. Sl. Dict. 201: ‘He is great people’ is used in a commendatory sense of anyone.
at people, n.
[US] J. Maitland Amer. Sl. Dict.
at sweat board (n.) under sweat, n.
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