Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Our Army choose

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[US] Our Army Oct. 17: We were batting ’em out, talking over things in general [HDAS].
at bat them out (v.) under bat, v.
[US] in Our Army Dec. 27: These guys are dawg faced soldiers / The same as me an’ you.
at dogface (n.) under dog, n.2
[US] Our Army (US) Feb. 43: Lifebuoy defeats ‘B.O.’ (Body Odor) in any climate.
at b.o., n.
[US] Our Army May 33: I bin in sweller jug-houses ’n’ this post’s [HDAS].
at jug-house under jug, n.1
[US] Our Army May 10: ‘What kind of dogs sleep in pup tents?’ ‘Chow hounds.’.
at chow hound (n.) under chow, n.1
[US] in Our Army Oct. 46: G.I. Joe wants to know if steel wool comes from hydraulic rams.
at GI Joe (n.) under GI, adj.
[US] Our Army Feb. 14: We and the kraut-eaters were mixing it up to make the world safe for bigger and better wars [OED].
at kraut-eater (n.) under kraut, n.
[US] in Our Army Jan. 20: The lousiest G.I. mule ever foisted upon defenceless doggies.
at doggie, n.2
[US] Our Army (US) 13 Dec. 8: Finally, if a soldier-driver wants to inform you that either a policeman or an ambulance will eventually stop a speeder in a fast truck — he’s likely to come out with something like, The ‘Jesse James’ will bag the ‘highballer’ on the ‘red ball’ if the ‘meat wagon’ doesn’t!
at highballer, n.
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