1963 C. Mann ‘Stiff Luck for the Colonel’ in Three Stories 48: What d’y’ fancy, Colonel? Give her a name. Still like the old gay and frisk? Make it two whiskies, miss.at gay and frisky, n.
1963 C. Mann ‘Stiff Luck for the Colonel’ in Three Stories 41: Let me prescribe for you. Just this once. A mouthful of hair. Come now—just one. Just two little fingers!at hair of the dog (that bit one), n.
1963 C. Mann ‘Beulah’ Three Stories 39: [A] description of Beulah as ‘a dusky charmer’.at dusky, adj.
1963 C. Mann ‘Stiff Luck for the Colonel’ in Three Stories 42: All the more reason for knocking over that mouthful.at knock over, v.
1963 C. Mann ‘Stiff Luck for the Colonel’ in Three Stories 54: They’re rushing up the straight [...] He’s a monty! We always were lucky. He’s home on the pig’s ear.at on the pig’s back under pig, n.
1963 C. Mann ‘Stiff Luck for the Colonel’ in Three Stories 54: [i.e. a winning horse] You’re right! Six thousand lovely smackers! You little snifter!at snifter, n.3