2000 M. Manning Get Your Cock Out 31: The cloakroom boy [...] pushed his luck and asked dandy to fist him. Dandy obliged the cheeky little AC/DC horn smoker.at AC/DC, adj.
2000 M. Manning Get Your Cock Out 92: Now that he had Dandelion he was trying to clean up his act.at clean up one’s act (v.) under act, n.
2000 M. Manning Get Your Cock Out 41: Mincey had copped a few degenerate aristo’s works before, shared them before all this AIDS shit.at aristo, n.
2000 M. Manning Get Your Cock Out 13: Alcohol at arse-splitting quantities was more their bag.at arse-splitting under arse, n.
2000 M. Manning Get Your Cock Out 88: It was the early 70’s — glam rock and rampant arsebanditry were fashionable back then.at arse-banditry (n.) under arse bandit, n.
2000 M. Manning Get Your Cock Out 65: Strutter could put up with Darklord’s arseholishness for the 40 grand a week.at arseholishness (n.) under arsehole, n.
2000 M. Manning Get Your Cock Out 92: They started banging around on the drums and bass, searching for kick-ass riffs.at kick-ass, adj.
2000 M. Manning Get Your Cock Out 27: The demon axe man was standing on the seats, slamming hard into a lapdancer’s face.at axman (n.) under axe, n.
2000 M. Manning Get Your Cock Out 83: He didn’t mind as long as the slags didn’t throw up when the baby gravy slimed their epiglottis.at baby gravy (n.) under baby, n.
2000 M. Manning Get Your Cock Out 93: Gerry Enchilada had bagsied the jacksie and was thrusting hard up the kid’s chufter chute.at bagsy, v.
2000 M. Manning Get Your Cock Out 35: The Mince needed to unload his bollock gravy big time.at ballock gravy (n.) under ballock, n.
2000 M. Manning Get Your Cock Out 27: Buggering, fur sliding, wanking, being noshed, shooting out pint after pint of bollock snot.at ballock snot (n.) under ballock, n.
2000 M. Manning Get Your Cock Out 37: Mincey carried on banging but the screaming was putting him off.at bang, v.1
2000 M. Manning Get Your Cock Out 80: He banged off almost the second he was locked in the mongy’s wet velvet shitlocker.at bang off (v.) under bang, v.1
2000 M. Manning Get Your Cock Out 41: Mincey pardoned himself and banged himself up in his left eyeball.at bang up, v.1
2000 M. Manning Get Your Cock Out 7: How he had managed to get that purple monster up her barking spider was anyone’s guess.at barking spider, n.
2000 M. Manning Get Your Cock Out 56: Gerry [...] took a clumsy swing at the fresh faced teenager, missed by a yard and fell flat on his beaner arse.at beaner, adj.
2000 M. Manning Get Your Cock Out 32: Freeloaders [...] snorting lines of cocaine from each others’ naked breasts and straining bell enders.at bell end, n.
2000 M. Manning Get Your Cock Out 94: Most [rockers] would rather meet the big guy riding a glamorous OD, or some groovy bullet game gone wrong.at big boss, the, n.
2000 M. Manning Get Your Cock Out 124: Horsecock Satan looked after his ferocious bitch hammer like a boxer looks after his fists.at bitch hammer (n.) under bitch, n.1
2000 M. Manning Get Your Cock Out 6: Tara Emerson Lake Dogshit-Fuck-Features coughed as the Mysterious Rock God blobbed-off on her tonsils.at blob off, v.
2000 M. Manning Get Your Cock Out 6: The effete singer [...] pulled her face even further onto his bloodhammer, almost choking her.at bloodhammer (n.) under blood, n.1
2000 M. Manning Get Your Cock Out 103: Fellatio Joe, Fellatio Joe, no-one can blow like Fellatio Joe!at blow, v.2
2000 M. Manning Get Your Cock Out 83: He remembered one of the girls from Cockerama [...] blowing chunks all down the bass player from goth horror band Dead Funny’s leather strides.at blow (one’s) chunks (v.) under blow, v.1
2000 M. Manning Get Your Cock Out 84: ‘I want to savour your body like wine’. Dandy didn’t know where the fuck that little piece of poetry had come from, probably one of her mother’s bodice rippers.at bodice-ripper, n.
2000 M. Manning Get Your Cock Out 63: Just because he’s hung out with thus facking Irish bogwogs, Bonio and his garden facking hedge.at bog wog (n.) under bog, n.3
2000 M. Manning Get Your Cock Out 57: Your bone riding skills might come in handy on long drunken tours.at bone-riding (n.) under bone, n.1
2000 M. Manning Get Your Cock Out 26: He staggered backstage, his dick boning up like nothing he’d ever known.at bone up (v.) under bone, n.1
2000 M. Manning Get Your Cock Out 48: The Mexican fatboy strolled around the table, belched loudly, bent at the knee slightly, cracked out a razzler, and started giving Strutt the cowboy boots.at give someone the boot (v.) under boot, the, n.