1843 Melville White Jacket I 208: Hence the various sea-rolls, made dishes and Mediterranean pies, well known by man-of-war’s-men- Scouse, Lobscouse, Soft-Tack, Soft-Tommy, Skillagolee, Burgoo, Dough-boys, Lob-Dominion, Dog’s-Body, and lastly, and least known, Dunderfunk; all of which come under the general denomination of Manavalins.at lob-dominion, n.
1843 Melville White Jacket I 208: Hence the various sea-rolls, made dishes and Mediterranean pies, well known by man-of-war’s-men- Scouse, Lobscouse, Soft-Tack, Soft-Tommy, Skillagolee, Burgoo, Dough-boys, Lob-Dominion, Dog's-Body, and lastly, and least known, Dunderfunk ; all of which come under the general denomination of Manavalins.at scouse, n.
1850 (con. 1843) Melville White-Jacket (1990) 17: ‘Jack Chase cut and run!’ cried a sentimental middy. ‘It must have been all for love, then; the signoritas have turned his head.’.at cut and run, v.
1850 (con. 1843) Melville White-Jacket (1990) 9: They are the tag-rag and bob-tail of the crew; and he who is good for nothing else is good enough for a waister.at rag, tag and bobtail, n.
1850 (con. 1843) Melville White-Jacket (1990) 15: And what did you know, you bumpkin! before you came on board this Andrew Miller? What knew you of gun-deck, or orlop [...] and piping to dinner?at Andrew Millar, n.
1850 (con. 1843) Melville White-Jacket (1990) 196: He was a fine little Scot, who, from the premature loss of the hair on the top of his head, always went by the name of Baldy.at baldy, n.
1850 (con. 1843) Melville White-Jacket (1990) 338: ‘You are an old bear, gunner’s mate,’ said Jack Chase.at bear, n.
1850 (con. 1843) Melville White-Jacket (1990) 240: ‘It’s this here Jonathan,’ answered Ringbolt; ‘he’s been blackguarding the young nob in the green coat, there.’.at blackguard, v.
1850 (con. 1843) Melville White-Jacket (1990) 337: Don’t blast me any more, for Heaven’s sake. Blast my jacket you may, and I’ll join you in that; but don’t blast me.at blast, v.1
1850 (con. 1843) Melville White-Jacket (1990) 13: Jack must have been a by-blow of some British Admiral of the Blue.at by-blow, n.
1850 (con. 1843) Melville White-Jacket (1990) 68: If they hit him, no doubt he would not feel it much, for he was used to that sort of thing, and, indeed, had a bullet in him already; whereas, I was altogether unaccustomed to having blue pills playing round my head.at blue pill (n.) under blue, adj.1
1850 (con. 1843) Melville White-Jacket (1990) 49: The holders of our frigate, the troglodytes, who lived down in the tarry cellars and caves below the berth-deck, were, nearly all of them, men of gloomy dispositions, taking sour views of things; one of them was a blue-light Calvinist.at blue light, n.1
1850 (con. 1843) Melville White-Jacket (1990) 206: ‘Jacket!’ cried a dandy bone-polisher of the gun-room.at bone-polisher (n.) under bone, n.1
1850 (con. 1843) Melville White-Jacket (1990) 35: So far as his efficiency as a sea-officer was concerned, on shore at least Jack might bouse away as much as he pleased; but afloat it will not do at all.at bouse, v.
1850 (con. 1843) Melville White-Jacket (1990) 188: The master-at-arms, who was merely cashiered, and imprisoned for a time, with bracelets at his wrists.at bracelets, n.
1850 (con. 1843) Melville White-Jacket (1990) 56: After their examination they were ordered into the ‘brig’, a jail-house between two guns on the main-deck, where prisoners are kept.at brig, n.
1850 (con. 1843) Melville White-Jacket (1990) 279: May-Day was a full-blooded bull-negro—so the sailors called him—with a skull like an iron tea-kettle.at bull, adj.1
1850 (con. 1843) Melville White-Jacket (1990) 132: From the merciless, inquisitorial baiting, which sailors, charged with offences, too often experience at the mast, that vicinity is usually known among them as the bull-ring.at bull-ring, n.1
1850 (con. 1843) Melville White-Jacket (1990) 384: [He] tells of his ‘skulking like a thief’ for whole years in the country round about Edinburgh, to avoid the press-gangs, prowling through the land like bandits and Burkers.at burker, n.
1850 (con. 1843) Melville White-Jacket (1990) 252: Away, butcher! you disgrace the profession.at butcher, n.1
1850 (con. 1843) Melville White-Jacket (1990) 247: When my brother arrives, he must consort more or less with our chuckle-headed reefers on board here.at chuckleheaded, adj.
1850 (con. 1843) Melville White-Jacket (1990) 340: Pierre, who had been a chummy of Shenly’s, spent much time in tying the neckerchief in an elaborate bow.at chum, n.
1850 (con. 1843) Melville White-Jacket (1990) 310: They are suddenly lighted upon by the constables, remorselessly collared, and dragged into the brig, there to await a dozen lashes in the morning.at collar, v.
1850 (con. 1843) Melville White-Jacket (1990) 141: Besides the formal administering of the ‘colt’ at the gangway for petty offences, he is liable to the ‘colt’, or rope’s-end, a bit of ratlin-stuff, indiscriminately applied – without stripping the victim – at any time, and in any part of the ship.at colt, n.2
1850 (con. 1843) Melville White-Jacket (1990) 122: When it was my quarter-watch on deck, and not in the top, and others went skulking and ‘sogering’ about the decks, secure from detection [...] my own hapless jacket forever proclaimed the name of its wearer.at come the old soldier (v.) under come the..., v.
1850 (con. 1843) Melville White-Jacket (1990) 230: Taking care meanwhile to reel about very industriously, so that there shall be no doubt about their being seriously intoxicated, and altogether non compos.at non compos, adj.
1850 (con. 1843) Melville White-Jacket (1990) 240: You Emperor – you counter-jumping son of a gun – cock your weather eye up aloft here, and see your betters!at counter-jumper, n.
1850 (con. 1843) Melville White-Jacket (1990) 312: What man-of-war’s-men call a damn-my-eyes-tar, that is, a humbug. And many damn-my-eyes humbugs there are in this man-of-war world of ours.at damn-your-eyes (adj.) under damn, v.
1850 (con. 1843) Melville White-Jacket (1990) 133: ‘They stole it, sir; all my nice dunderfunk, sir; they did, sir,’ whined the Down-Easter, ruefully holding up his pan. ‘Stole your dundlefunk! what’s that?’ ‘Dunderfunk , sir, dunderfunk; a cruel nice dish as ever man put into him.’.at dandyfunk, n.
1850 (con. 1843) Melville White-Jacket (1990) 178: He will say to you, ‘Let them bear down upon me, then, before the wind; anything that smacks of life is better than to feel Davy Jones’s chest-lid on your nose.’.at Davy Jones’s locker, n.