at pull a — act (v.) under act, n.
at alky stiff (n.) under alky, adj.
at alky up (v.) under alky, n.
at string (along), v.
at also-ran, n.
at storm (and strife), n.
at hit the ball, v.
at balloon, n.
at carry the banner (v.) under banner, n.
at bat, n.2
at bindle, n.
at bird, n.1
at blanket stiff (n.) under blanket, n.
at blinds, n.
at on the blink (adj.) under blink, n.1
at go blooey (v.) under blooey!, excl.
at booby, n.3
at boomer, n.3
at boss, n.2
at knowledge box, n.
at breadbasket (n.) under bread, n.1
at brew, n.
at brew, n.
at put the bug on (v.) under bug, n.4
at bug up (v.) under bug, v.2
at bugged up, adj.1
at bull durham, n.
at give someone the buzz (v.) under buzz, n.
at Cal, n.
at Cal, n.
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