Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Farewell Leicester Square choose

Quotation Text

[UK] B. Miller Farewell Leicester Square (2000) 263: Beastly crossing, that’s all: I’ll be all right.
at beastly, adj.
[UK] Betty Miller Farewell Leicester Square (2000) 226: ‘That’s a nice bit of goods you have at the telephone downstairs,’ she said, irreverently. ‘Bed-worthy, or not?’.
at bit of goods, n.
[UK] B. Miller Farewell Leicester Square (2000) 109: Alec Berman has hundreds of the loveliest women in England at his beck and call – one of the perqs of being a director.
at perk, n.1
[UK] B. Miller Farewell Leicester Square (2000) 251: The train was flying along between rows of tall brick houses; between back-gardens unequally mean or splendiferous.
at splendiferous, adj.
[UK] B. Miller Farewell Leicester Square (2000) 278: There was a brief touch upon his arm. ‘Hullo, stranger.’.
at stranger, n.
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