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Memorie and Rime choose

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[US] J. Miller Memorie and Rime 146: If I don’t sell out to that old duffer this time [...] I’m a Dutchman.
at I’m a Dutchman, phr.
[US] J. Miller Memorie and Rime 163: ‘Ride? Yes; all gentlemen can ride.’ ‘Bully!’.
at bully!, excl.
[US] J. Miller Memorie and Rime 61: You’d better bunk with us—eh, boys?
at bunk, v.2
[US] J. Miller Memorie and Rime 20: All drinking shops here — or rather ‘doggeries,’ as we call them in Oregon — are called ‘publics’.
at doggery, n.1
[US] J. Miller Memorie and Rime 120: Yes, biggest country, richest country and dogondest healthiest country this side of jericho!
at doggone, adj.
[US] J. Miller Memorie and Rime 109: ‘Hello, webfoot,’ cried the Californian leader to old Joe Meek.
at web-foot, n.
[US] J. Miller Memorie and Rime 147: Well, he’s smart. Gosh, all over. But can’t he talk!
at gosh!, excl.
[US] J. Miller Memorie and Rime 20: They stared at me, but went on jerking beer behind the counter.
at jerk, v.2
[US] J. Miller Memorie and Rime 22: Lizzie is a treasure, but she will lie like sixty.
at like sixty, adv.
[US] J. Miller Memorie and Rime 146: Ginger, you know him; pard of yours, eh?
at pard, n.
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