1850 J.C. Neal Pic-nic Sketches 128: A husband is a very convenient article to have about the place.at article, n.
1850 J.C. Neal Pic-nic Sketches 225: He cannot look upon the slender longitude of a bean-pole [...] without experienceing emotions of envy.at beanpole, n.
1850 J.C. Neal Pic-nic Sketches 15: He walked toward the corner of Fifth and Chestnut streets – [...] where ‘Black Marias’ most do congregate.at Black Maria, n.
1850 J.C. Neal Pic-nic Sketches 88: That’s a Bore! Everybody has heard of bores – of an immense bore – an intolerable bore, or an excruciating bore.at bore, n.1
1850 J.C. Neal Pic-nic Sketches 50: I knew it was my fate some time or other to be bully-ragged in the legal way.at bullyrag, v.
1850 J.C. Neal Pic-nic Sketches 22: Drat these boots! they’ve been eating green presimmings. I guess their mouths are all drawed up, just as if they wanted to whistle ‘Hail Kerlumby’.at hail Columbia, n.
1850 J.C. Neal Pic-nic Sketches 44: Didn’t I tell ’em all we’d soon be down to David Joneses.at Davy Jones’s locker, n.
1850 J.C. Neal Pic-nic Sketches 104: It makes me forget all about it, and discomboberates my ideas.at discombobberate, v.
1850 J.C. Neal Pic-nic Sketches 48: It’s no use sending me to school for the old man to cure his dyspepsy by dusting my jacket.at dust someone’s jacket (v.) under dust, v.1
1850 J.C. Neal Pic-nic Sketches 43: I tell you [...] with cigars at a cent a grab, and a hatful for a thank’ee, I’m not the glass works, all chimbly.at grab, n.1
1850 J.C. Neal Pic-nic Sketches 25: I want a pair of them ’are hook-em-sniveys, vot they uses in the shops [...] I must get my boots on somehow.at hookem-snivey, n.
1850 J.C. Neal Pic-nic Sketches 193: ‘As I came out I hooked the pistol! ho! ho!’ ‘And shot off too, I guess, ha! ha!’.at shoot off, v.
1850 J.C. Neal Pic-nic Sketches 207: He looks down with disdain upon little people. He calls them ‘squabs’.at squab, n.1
1850 J.C. Neal Pic-nic Sketches 205: Peleg W. Ponder, who never arrived at a conclusion, or contrived to reach a result. Pegleg is always ‘stumped’ – he ‘don’t know what to think’.at stumped, adj.
1850 J.C. Neal Pic-nic Sketches 50: Jist to have writs served upon it, or to be tuck up for debts and assault and battery.at tuck up, v.
1850 J.C. Neal Pic-nic Sketches 23: Watchy, though you are a watchy, you’ve got a heart with the sensibilities in it.at watchie, n.