1820 in Old Tom of Oxford Radical Harmonist 20: ‘As much smut as you please, but no blast,’ observed a master sweep. ‘Come, come, you’re doing it too brown,’ said Mr. E. the sausage patriot.at do it brown (v.) under brown, adj.2
1820 ‘Grand Quartet’ in Old Tom of Oxford Radical Harmonist 7: There’s a difference between / A dolly and Queen [...] A Queen can brag of folly / More safely than a dolly.at dolly, n.1
1820 ‘Last Night the Dogs did Bark’ in Old Tom of Oxford Radical Harmonist 10: I thought myself cock of the game, / ’Til this tawdry flash-hen, devil fetch her, / Came over and knock’d up my fame.at flash girl (n.) under flash, adj.
1820 ‘Grand Quartett’ in Old Tom of Oxford Radical Harmonist 7: Lie away merrily, spit your slang, / And the game is all our own, brave boys!.at spit it out! (excl.) under spit, v.