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[US] (con. 1899) E.S. O’Reilly Roving and Fighting 7: Groups of soldiers greeted us [...] with sarcastic humor. ‘Look at the Johnny-come-latelies!’ ‘Get on to the guy with the high-water pants!’.
at get, v.
[US] (con. 1899) E.S. O’Reilly Roving and Fighting 70: If that gu-gu aims that gun at me again, I’m going to shoot!
at goo-goo, n.1
[US] (con. 1899) E.S. O’Reilly Roving and Fighting 7: Groups of soldiers greeted us [...] with sarcastic humor. ‘Look at the Johnny-come-latelies!’ ‘Get on to the guy with the high-water pants!’.
at highwater, adj.
[US] (con. 1899) E.S. O’Reilly Roving and Fighting 76: Denny has deserted and gone over the hill.
at go over the hill (v.) under hill, n.
[US] (con. 1899) E.S. O’Reilly Roving and Fighting 23: ‘Holy cat-fish!’ exclaimed the amazed Trice.
at holy catfish! (excl.) under holy...!, excl.
[US] (con. 1898) E.S. O’Reilly Roving and Fighting 16: Why any man should be tempted into military life by ‘thirteen dollars and a horse blanket,’ was never explained .
at horse blanket (n.) under horse, n.
[US] (con. 1899) E.S. O’Reilly Roving and Fighting 7: Groups of soldiers greeted us [...] with sarcastic humor. ‘Look at the Johnny-come-latelies!’ .
at johnny-come-lately (n.) under johnny, n.1
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