1960 in J. Patrick Glasgow Gang Observed (1973) 123: The term amongst the New York gangs is apparently ‘a fair one’ defined as a ‘fight between one or more members of a gang in which weapons are not involved’ (New York City Youth Board).at fair one (n.) under fair, adj.
1973 (con. mid-1960s) J. Patrick Glasgow Gang Observed 116: ‘Take a fast cab!’ or ‘Blow a fuse!’.at blow a fuse!, excl.
1973 (con. mid-1960s) J. Patrick Glasgow Gang Observed 60: Fergie was accustomed to throw ‘all nighters’ [i.e. parties] on Friday and Saturday.at all-nighter, n.
1973 (con. mid-1960s) J. Patrick Glasgow Gang Observed 124: The names they had for drugs were: French Blues, Black and Whites, Black Bombers.at black and white, n.1
1973 (con. mid-1960s) J. Patrick Glasgow Gang Observed 57: Up yir hole wi’ a ten foot pole / An’ doon yir arse wi’ a scrubber.at up your arse!, excl.
1973 (con. mid-1960s) J. Patrick Glasgow Gang Observed 53: James fuckin’ Patrick, ya bam-pot ye.at bampot, n.
1973 (con. mid-1960s) J. Patrick Glasgow Gang Observed 121: Ibsen, ya Bass! [Ibid.] 230: bass, as in ya bass – bastard.at bass, n.1
1973 (con. mid-1960s) J. Patrick Glasgow Gang Observed 68: She’s a right beefer [...] Only good fur beefin’.at beef, v.2
1973 (con. mid-1960s) J. Patrick Glasgow Gang Observed 56: He mumbled that expressive approved school term: ‘fuckin’ bendin’ edger’.at bending edger, n.
1973 (con. mid-1960s) J. Patrick Glasgow Gang Observed 51: To avoid being considered ‘a queer hawk’ or a ‘bent-shot’ (homosexual), I had to chip in to the conversation.at bent, n.
1973 (con. mid-1960s) J. Patrick Glasgow Gang Observed 131: See when ma auld man’s bevied, he’s pure needle.at bevvied (up) (adj.) under bevvy, v.
1973 (con. mid-1960s) J. Patrick Glasgow Gang Observed 231: blocked up – ‘high’ with drugs.at blocked, adj.
1973 (con. mid-1960s) J. Patrick Glasgow Gang Observed 231: Boggin – used to describe anything the boys didn’t like or understand.at bogging, adj.
1973 (con. mid-1960s) J. Patrick Glasgow Gang Observed 124: Big Fry tried to impress us with his chemical knowledge: ‘Black Bombers – Perpexedrine or Dexedrine’s the legit’ name’.at black bomber (n.) under bomber, n.1
1973 (con. mid-1960s) J. Patrick Glasgow Gang Observed 89: The Blue Angels copied their hairstyle from Elvis, a cut called ‘The Bop,’ where the hair is combed upwards from the sides towards the middle, which falls over the forehead [...] to keep it in place the hair was sleeked with vaseline.at bop, n.1
1973 (con. mid-1960s) J. Patrick Glasgow Gang Observed 109: There [...] we could ‘chat up brass nails’.at brass, n.2
1973 (con. mid-1960s) J. Patrick Glasgow Gang Observed 79: Wee Frankie, pure mental he is, brass-necked it, walkin’ up the road wi’ his stupid, mid-grey flannels. [Ibid.] 81: Is that no’ brass neckin’ it, askin fur a match?at brass-neck, adj.
1973 (con. mid-1960s) J. Patrick Glasgow Gang Observed 78: Big Sheila stepped oot an’ in a dead sexy voice said tae him: ‘You’ve goat lovely come-tae-bed eyes’. Brilliant it wis.at brilliant, adj.
1973 (con. mid-1960s) J. Patrick Glasgow Gang Observed 106: Of the three ‘cows’ associated with Tim’s gang, I met only one [...] To the Young Team she was ‘a pure pump, a pure bun, a fuckin’ cow’.at bun, n.1
1973 (con. mid-1960s) J. Patrick Glasgow Gang Observed 125: The local ‘busies,’ with whom the boys had most contact, had all been given nicknames.at busy, n.
1973 (con. mid-1960s) J. Patrick Glasgow Gang Observed 53: ‘Button it, ya tramp, ye’ he screamed at me.at button one’s lip, v.
1973 (con. mid-1960s) J. Patrick Glasgow Gang Observed 78: Her value to the gang lay in her willingness to secrete chibs in her handbag.at chiv, n.1
1973 (con. mid-1960s) J. Patrick Glasgow Gang Observed 125: Chibbin’ some-wan tae death in the street.at chiv, v.
1973 (con. mid-1960s) J. Patrick Glasgow Gang Observed 76: More butts with the head and ‘boots in the chuckies’.at chuckies, n.
1973 (con. mid-1960s) J. Patrick Glasgow Gang Observed 231: Clatty – ‘stourie’, ‘dirty’, ‘manky’.at clatty, adj.
1973 (con. mid-1960s) J. Patrick Glasgow Gang Observed 105: The car would be stopped and the girl presented with this Hobson’s choice: ‘Cock it or walk it’.at cock it (v.) under cock, n.3