1979 A. Payne ‘The Dessert Song’ Minder [TV script] 32: This geezer used to put a roof slate on the bar after he’d had a few, then smash it with his forehead.at have a few (v.) under few, a, n.
1979 A. Payne ‘The Dessert Song’ Minder [TV script] 21: Three youngish blokes at a table in the corner, obviously well away.at well away, adj.
1979 A. Payne ‘The Dessert Song’ Minder [TV script] 16: Well, someone was looking for me ... must have blown out.at blow out, v.1
1979 A. Payne ‘The Dessert Song’ Minder [TV script] 16: See you chucking-out time?at chucking-out time, n.
1979 A. Payne ‘The Dessert Song’ in Minder [TV script] 16: Terry down the drinker wrestling Irishmen?at drinker, n.
1979 A. Payne ‘The Dessert Song’ Minder [TV script] 24: Where’s laughing boy with his sea-chest?at laughing boy (n.) under laughing, adj.
1979 A. Payne ‘The Dessert Song’ Minder [TV script] 35: You been scraping the barrel yourself.at scrape the barrel (v.) under scrape, v.
1979 A. Payne ‘The Dessert Song’ Minder [TV script] 34: Ship him back to his goats or whatever he’s got. We’ll go and get him a ticket right now.at ship, v.1
1979 A. Payne ‘The Dessert Song’ Minder [TV script] 4: Hang about, someone’s getting a spanking.at spanking, n.
1979 A. Payne ‘The Dessert Song’ Minder [TV script] 61: Yeah ... getting you all steamed up.at steamed (up), adj.
1979 A. Payne ‘Dessert Song’ Minder [TV script] 61: Listen, Charlie, this geezer’s got nothing to do with your brother. That was Johnny telling you stories.at story, n.
1979 A. Payne ‘The Dessert Song’ Minder [TV script] 51: There you go ... half a ton. Bit tight-fisted that Christina.at half-a-ton (n.) under ton, n.1
1980 A. Payne ‘All Mod Cons’ in Minder [TV script] 40: I’m thick as two short planks, generous when it suits me.at ...two short planks under thick as..., adj.
1980 A. Payne ‘All Mod Cons’ Minder [TV script] 58: I grew up in that house, Arthur. Remember my old man coming back with a blighty one.at Blighty, n.
1980 A. Payne ‘All Mod Cons’ Minder [TV script] 66: Terry takes his D.J. off and hurls it across Filmer’s desk.at D.J., n.
1980 A. Payne ‘All Mod Cons’ Minder [TV script] 52: That Kate’s done you up like a kipper.at do (up) like a kipper (v.) under do, v.1
1980 A. Payne ‘All Mod Cons’ Minder [TV script] 21: Is it me, or is he a bit doolally?at doolally, adj.
1980 A. Payne ‘All Mod Cons’ Minder [TV script] 17: Thing is we could be onto a very nice little earner here.at earner, n.
1980 A. Payne ‘All Mod Cons’ Minder [TV script] 13: Comprennez? No speaky Inglese, you little greaseball?at greaseball, n.
1980 A. Payne ‘All Mod Cons’ Minder [TV script] 13: Boardman picks up the gunge, hovers over them, waiting for an opportunity to pour it over Bernie.at gunge, n.1
1980 A. Payne ‘All Mod Cons’ Minder [TV script] 18: Bowing and scraping to all those hooray henrys.at hooray (Henry), n.
1980 A. Payne ‘All Mod Cons’ Minder [TV script] 56: Look, let us use the phone and I’ll sort that in a jiffy.at jiffy, n.
1980 A. Payne ‘All Mod Cons’ in Minder [TV script] 44: Shirley is done up to the nines, a real little goer.at up to the nines, phr.
1980 A. Payne ‘All Mod Cons’ Minder [TV script] 67: Kate’s hired a couple of right gorillas to turn over that young couple.at turn over, v.1
1980 A. Payne ‘All Mod Cons’ Minder [TV script] 26: She piles into Terry.at pile in (v.) under pile, v.
1980 A. Payne ‘All Mod Cons’ in Minder [TV script] 32: That’s how the poncing swine get away with it!at poncing (adj.) under ponce, v.