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Puck on Pegasus choose

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[UK] Puck 124: ‘First Tragedian... having pawned his properties.’ Suppose I told my uncle what I fear he’d not believe, That I’ll certainly repay him the money ere I leave; That my benefit when it comes off is sure to prove a hit, I don’t think, with a screw like him, that cock would fight a bit [F&H].
at that cock won’t fight under cock, n.3
[UK] Puck 13: Though for Great Go and for Small, I teach Paley, cram and all [F&H].
at cram, v.
[UK] Puck 146: That cunning old file wont let her go with the hard cash down [F&H].
at hard, adj.
[UK] H.C. Pennell Puck on Pegasus 19: Tho’ I write such utter twaddle, ’tis not from a non comp. noddle.
at non compos, adj.
[UK] H.C. Pennell Puck on Pegasus 111: And long they sparr’d and counter’d / Till Heenan sped a thrust [...] And for the second time that day / The Champion bit the dust.
at bite the dust (v.) under dust, n.
[UK] H.C. Pennell Puck on Pegasus 20: What a floorer to my hopes is this performance on the ropes!
at floorer, n.
[UK] H.C. Pennell Puck on Pegasus 90: He’ll win, by the Lord Harry!
at by the Lord Harry! (excl.) under Lord Harry, n.
[UK] H.C. Pennell Puck on Pegasus 152: And the feet that stand like the solid rock, / Were ‘tootsies pootsies, bless ’em!’.
at tootsie, n.
[UK] Puck XV-XVI 68/1: And he girdeth up his loins and he putteth on his dicer, even his dicer of silk.
at dicer, n.1
[UK] Puck (N.Y.) 22 Apr. 115: Bottle that and listen to me [HDAS].
at bottle it, v.1
[UK] Puck (N.Y.) 29 Apr. 138: I didn’t Eclectic [diploma] for a half-century [HDAS].
at half-century (n.) under century, n.
[UK] Puck (N.Y.) 29 July 343: Cheese the dude! [...] Lemon is good enough for me [HDAS].
at cheese, v.1
[UK] Puck (N.Y.) 8 Apr. 83: What’s on deck this aft? [HDAS].
at on deck under deck, n.1
[UK] Puck (N.Y.) 29 July 343: Oh, that’s just too doggy for anything.
at doggy, adj.1
[UK] Puck (N.Y.) 1 July 275: If you should say Nantucket / You’re told you are a goose-head [HDAS].
at goose-head, n.
[UK] in Puck (N.Y.) 29 July 347: Here I used to nick my rifle, / When I knocked out any white man [HDAS].
at knock out, v.
[UK] Puck (N.Y.) 22 Apr. 15: You are a nickel-plated prophet with a silver tip [HDAS].
at nickel-plated (adj.) under nickel, n.
[UK] Puck 20 315/2: ‘It’s a honey-cooler, now I ’m giving you the straight tip.’ I can not describe the degree of harshness with which those coarse expressions, ‘la-la’ and ‘honey-cooler’ jarred upon my sensitive organization.
at honey cooler (n.) under honey, n.1
[UK] Puck (N.Y.) 5 Aug. 5: [cartoon caption] Mr. Subberton (yelling to kitchen).–Sawdust and milk crust! Adam and Eve on a raft and wreck ’em! On the cantaloupe! Draw one! Make it three all ’round!
at sawdust, n.2
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