a.1904 D.G. Phillips Susan Lenox II 119: You’ve got to have the mon. or you get the laugh and the foot—the swift, hard kick [HDAS].at give someone the foot (v.) under foot, n.
1908 D.G. Phillips Susan Lenox II 143: If he ever found out I had a lover [...] why, it’d be all up with me.at all up with under all up, adj.
1908 D.G. Phillips Susan Lenox II 233: ‘Oh—he’s down and out—eh? Why?’ ‘Drink— and hard luck.’.at down-and-out, adj.
1908 D.G. Phillips Susan Lenox I 208: Oh, he’s a wonder. Graduate of Trinity College, Dublin—yeggman—panhandler—barrel-house bum—genius, nearly.at barrelhouse, n.
1908 D.G. Phillips Susan Lenox II 123: I do what Finnegan tells me—just as Finnegan does what the big shout down below says.at big shot, n.
1908 D.G. Phillips Susan Lenox II 121: ‘Oh, bite it off!’ cried the darker of the two men.at bite (it) off (v.) under bite, v.
1908 D.G. Phillips Susan Lenox I 213: Tempest told a story that was ‘broad’. While the others laughed, Susan gazed at him with a puzzled expression.at broad, adj.
1908 D.G. Phillips Susan Lenox I 222: Not the clodhoppers and roustabouts that come to see us.at clodhopper, n.
1908 D.G. Phillips Susan Lenox II 100: I work hard all week. Saturday nights I cut loose.at cut loose, v.
1908 D.G. Phillips Susan Lenox II 327: You don’t look Irish or Dutch or Dago—though you might have a touch of the [...] Frog-eaters.at frog-eater, n.
1908 D.G. Phillips Susan Lenox II 272: I feel like a fool believing such a fairy story as you’ve been telling me.at fairy-story (n.) under fairy, n.1
1908 D.G. Phillips Susan Lenox I 373: The mothers [...] knew what the ‘fancy lady’s’ life really meant. [Ibid.] 383: Dan [...] had attracted the attention of what Cassatt called ‘a fancy lady’ who lived two floors below them.at fancy woman, n.
1908 D.G. Phillips Susan Lenox II 190: One of those terrors of tenement women, the lobbygows — men who live by lying in wait in the darkness to seize and rob the lonely, friendless woman.at lobby-gow, n.
1908 D.G. Phillips Susan Lenox I 250: His vanity had got savage wounds from the hoots and the ‘Oh, bite it off, hamfat,’ which had greeted his impressive lecture on the magic lantern pictures.at hamfat, n.2
1908 D.G. Phillips Susan Lenox I 209: As her voice died away he beat his hands together enthusiastically. [...] ‘She’ll set the hay-tossers crazy!’.at hay-tosser (n.) under hay, n.
1908 D.G. Phillips Susan Lenox II 135: You ain’t on the same level as the rest of these heifers.at heifer, n.
1908 D.G. Phillips Susan Lenox II 119: ‘Holy Gee!’ cried Susan’s new acquaintance.at holy gee! (excl.) under holy...!, excl.
1908 D.G. Phillips Susan Lenox I 210: We were going to try to make a killing at Sutherland.at make a killing (v.) under killing, n.
1908 D.G. Phillips Susan Lenox II 20: Yes, give me a job as a pot slinger even, low as that is.at pot slinger (n.) under pot, n.1
1908 D.G. Phillips Susan Lenox I 250: Bob, we’re going to let the pullet in on the profits equally, aren’t we?at pullet, n.
1908 D.G. Phillips Susan Lenox II 38: He ‘shot’ his cuffs with a gesture of careless elegance that his cuff links might assist in the picture of the ‘swell dresser’ he felt he was posing.at shoot one’s cuff(s) (v.) under shoot, v.
1908 D.G. Phillips Susan Lenox II 166: It ain’t the best butter—not by a long shot.at by a long shot under shot, n.1
1908 D.G. Phillips Susan Lenox II 22: He had evidently been ‘going some’ for several days.at go some (v.) under some, adv.