Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Mike Fink : a legend of the Ohio choose

Quotation Text

[US] E. Bennett Mike Fink 10/1: We’ll catch the fever and ager [...] and that’ll shake the day-lights out o’ us [OED].
at beat the (living) daylight(s) out of (v.) under daylights, n.
[US] E. Bennett Mike Fink 9/1: Jest keep that ugly fly-trap o’ yourn shut.
at flytrap (n.) under fly, n.3
[US] E. Bennett Mike Fink 10/1: Well, ef it’s all up, I ’spect we mought as well start our trotters, boys.
at trotter, n.
[US] E. Bennett Mike Fink 9/2: Nothing like long under-pinins fur travel.
at underpinnings, n.
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