Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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The Fake Revolt choose

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[US] G. Legman Fake Revolt 24: Puerto Rico, Hamburg, or Las Vegas, or some other gook country where prostitution and drugs are wide-open, and underage ass of both sexes is pitifully cheap.
at ass, n.
[US] G. Legman Fake Revolt 24: It comes as a wonderful moment of liberation for the emotionally-strangulated coolster to imagine for a moment that he or she believes in something.
at coolster (n.) under cool, adj.
[US] G. Legman Fake Revolt 24: Puerto Rico, Hamburg, or Las Vegas, or some other gook country where prostitution and drugs are wide-open.
at gook, adj.
[US] G. Legman Fake Revolt 24: Puerto Rico, Hamburg, or Las Vegas, or some other gook country where prostitution and drugs are wide-open.
at wide-open, adj.
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