Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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[US] H. Leverage ‘The White Moll’ in Prison Stories May–June 🌐 What’s she feeding you, Chief? [...] The same song and dance act she tried on me?
at song and dance, n.1
[US] P. Singer ‘The Electric Warden’ Prison Stories Mar. 🌐 It was such a ‘shot’ that Dan did not believe he could have gotten away with it himself. ‘Nice old party!’ he thought. ‘I’ll watch where he hides that “belly-vengeance”.’.
at belly vengeance (n.) under belly, n.
[US] P. Singer ‘The Electric Warden’ Prison Stories Mar. 🌐 Them wuz fly-mugs, or Secret Service dicks.
at fly mug (n.) under fly, adj.
[US] intro to H. Leverage ‘The White Moll’ in Prison Stories May–June 🌐 Bradshaw, the D. A., was a born framer—and he was getting away with it.
at framer, n.2
[US] Peter Singer ‘The Electric Warden’ Prison Stories Mar. 🌐 ‘The “Hessians” are coming!’ Tully knew what Gangler meant. ‘Hessians’ were Secret Service agents.
at hessian, n.
[US] P. Singer ‘The Electric Warden’ Prison Stories Mar. 🌐 Swell wireless mast [...] Th’ warden must be nuts on radio.
at nuts on, adj.
[US] P. Singer ‘The Electric Warden’ Prison Stories Mar. 🌐 He appraised the former butler’s patent-leather shoes [...] but they would pinch his callouses. ‘I’ll try the sneaks!’ he decided. ‘Them slippers won’t make much of a rumble.’.
at sneak, n.2
[US] P. Singer ‘The Electric Warden’ Prison Stories Mar. 🌐 ‘I’m in soft,’ thought Tully. ‘From Balboa Park to a swell job as a warden’s butler.’.
at soft, adv.
[US] P. Singer ‘The Electric Warden’ Prison Stories Mar. 🌐 Dis is a stall [...] Dis book is queer! Whoever heard of a banker givin’ kale to a warden?
at stall, n.1
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