at put the bubble in (v.) under bubble (and squeak), v.
at pain in the arse, n.
at on the blimp under blimp, n.2
at blow someone out, v.
at bunk (off) (v.) under bunk, v.1
at Chinky, n.
at chop-chop!, excl.
at corker, n.2
at crack, n.1
at crackerbarrel, adj.
at DMs, n.
at get the drop(s) (on) (v.) under drop, n.1
at footie, n.
at headcase, n.
at jack (in), v.
at knacker, v.
at leave off! (excl.) under leave, v.
at lug, n.1
at nut-job (n.) under nut, n.2
at off, adv.1
at skive, v.
at squint, n.
at sting, v.
at wheelie, n.1
at zap!, excl.
at zilch, n.1
at zillion, n.
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