1848 W. Westgarth Aus. Felix 104: The hut would be attacked before ‘piccininni sun.’ [Footnote] : About daylight in the morning.at piccaninny, adj.
1917 ‘Henry Handel Richardson’ Aus. Felix (1971) 201: Oh, get along with you! It was only one of Ned’s jokes.at get along with you!, excl.
1917 ‘Henry Handel Richardson’ Aus. Felix (1971) 10: It suddenly entered Long Jim’s head to cut and run.at cut and run, v.
1917 ‘Henry Handel Richardson’ Aus. Felix (1971) 52: Everyone can see you’re as mad as can be because you can’t bring your old dot-and-go-one to the scratch.at dot and carry one, n.
1917 ‘Henry Handel Richardson’ Aus. Felix (1971) 31: None o’ your ethereal, die-away, bread-and-butter misses. There’s something of Till there is.at bread-and-butter, adj.
1917 ‘Henry Handel Richardson’ Aus. Felix (1971) 209: He laid his bag down and hung up his wide-awake.at wide-awake, n.
1917 ‘Henry Handel Richardson’ Aus. Felix (1971) 13: ‘Oh, bah!’ said the lad, when he found that the jug held only water.at bah!, excl.
1917 ‘Henry Handel Richardson’ Aus. Felix 56: In one hand he carried the letter, in the other the candle-end stuck in a bottle, that was known as a ‘Ballarat-lantern’; for it was a pitchdark night.at ballarat lantern, n.
1917 ‘Henry Handel Richardson’ Aus. Felix (1971) 2: They had to be dragged, some blind drunk, the rest blind stupid from their booze.at blind drunk (adj.) under blind, adv.1
1917 ‘Henry Handel Richardson’ Aus. Felix (1971) 2: They had to be dragged, some blind drunk, the rest blind stupid from their booze.at blind, adv.1
1917 ‘Henry Handel Richardson’ Aus. Felix (1971) 10: The ‘bloodhounds’ had begun to track their prey.at bloodhound (n.) under blood, n.1
1917 ‘Henry Handel Richardson’ Aus. Felix (1971) 32: Oh, blow it, Dick, you’re too fastidious.at blow it!, excl.
1917 ‘Henry Handel Richardson’ Aus. Felix (1971) 253: ‘Well, I’m blowed!’ was all she could ejaculate. ‘Blowed! . . . that’s what I am.’.at I’ll be blowed! (excl.) under blowed, adj.1
1917 ‘Henry Handel Richardson’ Aus. Felix (1971) 12: There they both sat [...] one gripping the other’s collar, both too blown to speak.at blown (out), adj.
1917 ‘Henry Handel Richardson’ Aus. Felix (1971) 77: Old man didn’t I kick up a bobbery when I heard the news.at kick up a bobbery (v.) under bobbery, n.
1917 ‘Henry Handel Richardson’ Aus. Felix (1971) 168: I’m with you, you old pill-box [...] You’ll cut a jolly sight better figure as an M.D.at pill-box, n.
1917 ‘Henry Handel Richardson’ Aus. Felix (1971) 25: She’ll come out to ’er daddy soon as ever th’ol’ woman kicks the bucket.at kick the bucket, v.
1917 ‘Henry Handel Richardson’ Aus. Felix (1971) 35: Stock-riders and bull-punchers rubbed shoulders with elegants in skirted coats.at bull-puncher (n.) under bull, n.1
1917 ‘Henry Handel Richardson’ Aus. Felix (1971) 218: The well-meaning constable who [...] turned on his bull’s eye for you in a fog.at bull’s eye, n.
1917 ‘Henry Handel Richardson’ Aus. Felix (1971) 196: Mr Urquhart, a jolly, carroty-haired man.at carrot-headed (adj.) under carrot, n.
1917 ‘Henry Handel Richardson’ Aus. Felix (1971) 4: They had chummed together on the seventy-odd-mile from Melbourne; had boiled a common billy and slept side by side.at chum, v.
1917 ‘Henry Handel Richardson’ Aus. Felix (1971) 26: He gave the man – a stupid clodhopper, but honest and attached – instructions.at clodhopper, n.
1917 ‘Henry Handel Richardson’ Aus. Felix (1971) 223: It was a rough grizzled fellow – a ‘cocky’.at cocky, n.2
1917 ‘Henry Handel Richardson’ Aus. Felix (1971) 21: Now we didn’t come here tonight to confab about getting votes.at confab, v.
1917 ‘Henry Handel Richardson’ Aus. Felix (1971) 63: I don’t believe a blessed thing’s goin’ to come of all young Smith’s danglin’ round. An’ Polly’s still a bit young.at dangle, v.
1917 ‘Henry Handel Richardson’ Aus. Felix (1971) 30: Crust first, and though you burst, By the bones of Davy Jones!at by the bones of Davy Jones! (excl.) under Davy Jones’s locker, n.
1917 ‘Henry Handel Richardson’ Aus. Felix (1971) 13: Give us a drink, old boy! . . . I’m dead-beat!at deadbeat, adj.
1917 ‘Henry Handel Richardson’ Aus. Felix (1971) 101: They were comparing him, he knew, with the poor old Jeremy Diddler yonder, to the latter’s disadvantage.at diddler, n.2